Correct way to configure DNS

Just add to DA, DA will automatically create the correct A name records (like www, mail, ftp etc.).
For DNS on a single server, you can trust DA to do it for you, while you add the domain or user to the control panel :).

edit: Don't forget to register the domains to make them available, use the NS records as configured in DA, if you do that, it will work :)
Can you please give me the list of coorect NS records or place, where I can find detailed technical information. Not like in

Which record in DA is enabling "" domain, and what - "" domain.

Please, be more detailed. I can't just trust DA, I have to learn myself and teach my clients.

Thank you.
By default DirectAdmin creates DNS records which will work for webhosting.

So you can use the ones they create as a tutorial for necessary A records.

If you want more information you should probably buy a book.

DNS for Dummies ?

DNS and Bind ?
