IP is being shared...


Verified User
Apr 12, 2005
Okay, I'm the admin of my server, and I created a reseller account for my domain, so I could give others hosting on a subdomain of my domain.

I'm no noob, so of course I placed all my site files and image folder in my public_html folder. However, when I access my domain using http://www.flashwirenetwork.net, it says that the IP is being shared between multiple users. Other users have had this trouble with their subdomains. Any suggestions?

P.S.: I just changed the main domain's IP to a dedicated IP. Will this solve the problem? What can I do about the subdomains?
You should only get that message when trying to access a shared IP address, not a domain.

Try restarting apache and checking that the httpd.conf files were written correctly and included into apache as well.
What version of apache are you running?

If those check out, it could be a bind issue possible, but I don't have enough information to help you out much there.

Edit: What Operating System?
OS: CentOS 3.4
Apache: 1.3.33 (DA Build)

Okay, so all's well and good with my domain now (a dedicated IP solved the problem)... the problem is, the users under my reseller account find their subdomains pointing to the server's shared IP, and they get a "Shared IP" page. I uploaded my website into /var/www/html to see if it would point subdomains to my website... and sure enough, it does. For instance, try going to and then try css.flashwirenetwork.net. The css subdomain should route to an entirely different webpage, but instead it points to the server's shared IP... I'm a rather newb-ish Sysadmin and would enjoy as much detail as possible on how to solve this. Should I rebuild apache? Do I have to manually alter httpd.conf?
It appears to me that all you have to do is change the DNS records for your subdomains to point to the same IP# as you're now using for the main domain.

Give that a try and see if it helps.

Ehh, I changed all users' IPs (including mine) to the shared IP. Now I get an "IP Shared" error across the main domain AND all subdomains. :(
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I don't think that's what I wrote.

I wrote to change the IP#s of the (in DNS only) subdomains to match whatever dedicated IP# you had set the main domain to.

It doesn't look to me as if that's what you did.

I tried that in my user DNS settings... the user responsible for the main domain. I added A records for every subdomain and set the IP for the record to, which is the IP assigned to flashwirenetwork.net. Is that what you wanted me to do?
I'm lost.

Did you create the subdomains as subdomains, or as new domains?

If as subdomains, then what I suggest you try is:

Set up a new IP# for the main domain.

Change DNS (only) for subdomains to point to the new IP# set up for the new domain.

Give it time to propagate.

On my reseller account, the account that controls the domain, I added subdomains by setting them as the domain for new users.

Example: I go to the user creation menu and enter in the details for User A. In the "domain" field, I would enter usera.flashwirenetwork.net.

Now, what's odd is, it directs correctly for some subdomains, but for others it gives the shared IP message.
Are you seeing each subdomain has a new user?

If so, then the server sees these as domains; not as subdomains.

Are you giving them the server shared domain, or the same IP# as some other domain?

Some real examples would help us do some lookups to be able to help you further.

Yes, each subdomain is attached to the public_html directory for the respective new user. And I've tried adding all of the subdomains using the Subdomain Management in the user level menu, but that didn't work, because it just added the subdomains to my DNS Management and added the respective records for them. Changing flashwirenetwork.net's IP to gives me the Shared IP error when I try to access the top level domain, flashwirenetwork.net, and doesn't fix anything.

And when I create the account, I give them my reseller account's shared IP, which is The shared IP of the server is

Here's a real example. I just created a user by the name of "allanea". He requested the subdomain microbalrog.flashwirenetwork.net. I went to create his user through the Reseller panel. In the domain box, I put microbalrog.flashwirenetwork.net. I set the user's IP to (Shared).
When I try looking at "http://microbalrog.flashwirenetwork.net/", I get:

You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Which is what I should get if there's an empty directory and no index.html file.

But when I do a dig on the subdomain I get:
microbalrog.flashwirenetwork.net. 14315 IN A
So it appears as if the domain (remember to DA it's a domain, and not a subdomain) appears to be using, and NOT 230.

Check your DNS for the flashwirenetwork.net zone and also for the microbalrog.flashwirenetwork.net zone.

And also check the httpd.conf file for the zone to see what IP# it expects.

I checked the httpd.conf, and when I added the subdomains using the subdomain manager, it did add them under 232. What I've done now is changed all the accounts (except for two which are working under 230 and need to stay working) to, the shared server IP. I even moved my main account to that IP. Now I'm getting the shared error once more...

And there is a major problem with the DNS management for other users. I log into their accounts and attempt to access their DNS management panel, only to receive an error about not being able to read the DB.
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Thanks for warning me about what's in the PM.

Unfortunately I'll have to destroy it without reading it.

I do not accept login information from folk with whom I do not have a working relationship.

Our insurance company is very conservative and very concerned about our liability.

We're in the business of server support and server management. Just as you (presumably) make a living doing webhosting, we make a living managing and maintaining servers for companies such as yours.

We're happy to help as much as we can online, and we're willing to answer an occasional private email, though we much prefer public forums, where the maximum number of people may benefit (I monitor several forums and over a hundred mailing lists daily).

But we cannot offer to log into your server as a volunteer; it's just not something we feel comfortable with.

Please contact me by email if you're interested in opening up a ticket with us, as I know I could find the issue quickly.

Or contact DirectAdmin support if your purchase includes support.

Or perhaps someone else will volunteer to log into your server and help you.

(Note that we do not endorse giving out password and login credentials to just anyone you've met on the 'net.)


Yes, I will attempt to contact support tomorrow. We can continue where we left off, in my last post. So, I've deleted all the subdomain entries and the DNS records for those subdomains. All accounts, except for one or two, are now on the shared server IP. I've completely rebuilt Apache and I've checked through the config, and everything looks fine from my point of view. :confused:
Mindboggling. I can't possibly just delete and recreate the accounts, as three of them, all having this problem, are being used for gameservers and uptime is absolutely critical.