Install problems


New member
Oct 25, 2003
Nothing but, net
Seems during the install there are a few errors.

1) chown and chmod try to do a /usr/local/directadmin/conf/* command which doesn't appear to be valid.

2) It tries to find a krb5-libs and krb5-devel which aren't found where its looking.

3) It changes the password of the non-privileged user. In my case it changed the password of admin and locked me out of my server.

I havn't actually gotten to test the control panel yet as it hasn't worked right yet.

I hope this isn't a sign of things to come..

1) The line is simply chmodding nothing, but doing it just to be thorough. It's using the -f flag, which the man pages states should hide any errors, but apparently it isn't. I'll pipe it to /dev/null to avoid confusion.

2) Where exactly is this happening? I'm not sure if you've already figured it out, but what file/compile is trying to find the file, and where is it looking?

3) If the "admin" is used for the admin account for DA, the password must be change in order to setup email, ftp, mysql and smtp passwords. If it wasn't changed, nothing would be set, and you'd have a very broken admin account. The admin password *is* shown at the end of the install, and is also specified in the setup.txt, so it's important to take note of it.

I believe this would be the error message the original poster referred to relating to krb5-libs etc:

DirectAdmin will now be install on: FreeBSD 4.9
Is this correct? (must match license) (y,n) : y
beginning pre-checks, please wait...
adding krb5-libs ...
Error: FTP Unable to get File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
pkg_add: unable to fetch '' by URL
adding krb5-devel ...
Error: FTP Unable to get File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
pkg_add: unable to fetch '' by URL

Hope that helps!
I have no idea with this although..... doesnt seem to allow access......... is this normal for direct browser access with their FTP location?


I can get in on my end with IE.. But looking at the file, it's looking for /usr/kerberos/include/krb5.h on freebsd, but it's actually in /usr/include/krb5.h if it's installed.. so just check for the existance of "/usr/include/krb5.h" and if it exists, you shouldn't need to worry about the krb5 stuff. I only added the krb5 stuff when RedHat came along and didn't include it with their ssl libraries.. had to include it manually. FreeBSD probably already has everything setup correctly.
