Unable to create subdomain


Verified User
Oct 22, 2003
i tried to create a sub domain under the main admin account's domain.

the admin's domain folder is like /home/admin/domains/main.com

i dont have a /home/domains/ folder.

i'm getting an error like the following:

Unable to create subdomain

Error creating /home/domains/main.com/public_html/subdomain
A directory component in /home/domains/main.com/public_html/subdomain does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating
A directory component in /home/domains/main.com/public_html/subdomain/cgi-bin does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Error creating /home/domains/main.com/private_html/subdomain
A directory component in /home/domains/main.com/private_html/subdomain does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link

Make sure that you havn't accidently deleted the path:


If you have, you'll need to create that directory, as well as the public_html and private_html directories.

Make sure that you havn't accidently deleted the path:


If you have, you'll need to create that directory, as well as the public_html and private_html directories.

i dont think i've ever had those directories.

the "Contents of the httpd.conf file for main.com" uses
DocumentRoot /home/admin/domains/main.com/public_html
young said:
the "Contents of the httpd.conf file for main.com" uses
DocumentRoot /home/admin/domains/main.com/public_html [/B]

hmm the "Contents of the httpd.conf file for main.com" some how just changed to
DocumentRoot /home/domains/main.com/public_html
how does |DOCROOT| get generated?
does it depend on the home folder field in the passwd file.
i just changed the admin home dir and added another subdomain and it seems to work now.. i changed the passwd file so admin can ftp to the root dir /, but then wanted to change it back and put /home in the passwd file instead of /home/admin.

n/m i found it..
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