php5 and Installatron


Verified User
Mar 29, 2005
I currently have a Fedora 3 server with php4 and Installatron running well.

I read at that it now supports php5.

I installed Installatron on this server with php4. I was wondering if I upgraded this server to php5 would I need to install Installatron again? What adjustments would I need to make? I already know about upgrading php5. My question is specific to Installatron problems if any.

You should not need to reinstall Installatron after upgrading PHP to v5.

ionCube seems a little hit and miss on Fedora servers, but I'm not aware of any current incompatibilities on Fedora servers running PHP5. So I would expect Installatron to continue working seemlessly after the upgrade (assuming you have the latest Installatron installed, not an old version).


Thanks for the replies.

Just a note on php4.4.0: I was asking about php5.0.4 which was released before 4.4.0.

I would suspect that the writers of Installatron will have it worked out given enough time. I never upgrade as soon as something is released. 4.4.0 was release just 11 days ago. php5.0.4 has been out since the end of March.

Now if there is a problem with php5.0.4 then we definitely need to know. But php5.0.4 is not after php4.4.0 as the numbers might have you believe.


ioncube compatibility is almost on a per-server level, so there's no way I can guarantee things will work after you upgrade PHP.

There were a lot of ioncube problems with PHP5 after its release, and right up to even as recently as a couple of weeks ago some clients on PHP5 were discovering issues. With each problem we were able to do testing on the server and determine the exact passage of code that was causing the problem, and pass that code onto ionCube who were then able to fix the issue with their loaders.

If you don't want to risk Installatron down time, I'd recommend waiting for the next version of iTron before upgrading to PHP5. We have an idea that should remove the ability for ioncube bugs to stop Installatron from working.

Hi Rowan,

I did a test install on a new server. Fedora 3 and I first upgraded to php5 and then installed Installatron. I then went to the Installatron Admin and it complained about "PHP not compiled with zip extension. Please recompile PHP." But phpinfo tells me that is was compliled with zip. Any ideas? Or should I be asking this at the Installatron site?

Someone else had a problem with zip and PHP5 too. This is what he said to me when he fixed it:

I've attempted to add zip support via a newly downloaded PECL
extension. ZIP support shows up now in php info now, and
Installatron no longer complains about missing extensions.
I don't actually know what that means, but I'll email him and ask if he can explain what he did.


Here's some more:

The PHP5 configure script doesn't even look for the "--with-zip" option.

If PHP is built with PEAR support, then adding ZIP support should be
as easy as typing "pear install zip" at the command line.
If that sounds like it's on the right track but you need more information, let me know.

I tried "pear install zip" and got this:

/usr/local/bin/phpize: line 105: aclocal: command not found
`phpize' failed

Upon further research I found that these have to be installed for "pear install zip" to work:


At the end of "pear install zip" I get:

Build process completed successfully
Installing '/var/tmp/pear-build-root/install-zip-1.0//usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20041030/'
install ok: zip 1.0

Seemed to work.

But I still get:

PHP not compiled with zip extension. Please recompile PHP.

when trying to access the Installatron Admin.

I also compared php.ini files between the php5 and a php4 installation. The only difference I can find is at the end having to do with ioncube.

php4 has:

zend_extension = /usr/local/ioncube/

php5 does not have that line or any line having to do with ioncube.

I don't know if this is actually working right or not but this is what I have done now.

I followed these instructions from the Installatron site:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/customapache
rm -f configure.php
./build clean
./build update
./build php
service httpd restart

But of course this gives me php 4.3.11. I modified my httpd.conf file again to load php5 and commented out the php4 stuff again.

service httpd restart

phpinfo now shows php 5.0.4 just like it did before. But now Installatron seems to work. I was able to get in and update the installers and languages.

How can I know for sure if its running php5 or php4? I assume since phpinfo shows php5 then that is what it is actually running.

I think next time I will try installing Installatron first while php4 is installed and then upgrade to php5 and see what happens.
That sounds like an unusual way to get PHP5 installed, but phpinfo is the usual yardstick so I'd assume it has worked.

I'm not sure how to write that up for the troublshooting guide though. ;)

php 5 is still not working correctly with Installatron.

phpinfo clearly says it was configured with zip but Installatron says that is was not.

So I am stuck.

"pear install zip" says it worked but it didn't help Installatron.

Is there a simple command I can run to check to see whether zip is actually working?

I don't know much about php. So I don't know if the problem is really with php or with Installatron.
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Ok success.

I am not sure about what I did and in what order but here goes.

"pear install zip"

For some reason it put the file here /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20041030/

I copied to /usr/local/lib/php/extensions.

I changed include_path in the php.ini file to include_path = "/usr/local/lib/php/extensions"

Restarted httpd. Installatron no loner complains.

In the process of all of this I reconfigured php several times but I don't think this had any effect in the end.

Right now this server is in production and so I cannot do a complete reinstall on it and start over. I will do that in a few days on a test server and post the results here.
Ok one more update:

One user was having a problem with the
include command and I traced it back to
the fact that I had changed the
include_path in the php.ini file. That line
should read:

include_path = ".:/usr/local/lib/php"