php v4.4.0

Verified User
Aug 2, 2003
Schenectady, NY
4.4.0 was released in July...

[11-Jul-2005] The PHP Development Team would like to announce the immediate release of PHP 4.4.0. This is a maintenance release that addresses a serious memory corruption problem within PHP concerning references. If references were used in a wrong way, PHP could create memory corruptions which would not always surface or be visible. The increased middle digit was required because the fix that corrected the problem with references changed PHP's internal API, breaking binary compatibility with the PHP 4.3.* series. PHP 4.4.0 does not have any new features, and is solely a bugfix release; however, it is strongly recommended that you read the more detailed release announcement available here prior to upgrading your PHP 4 installation.

Changelog here:

Any ideas when it might be safe for a DA upgrade?
just edit your build file for the new version, download the tarball and compile as normal, you will need the new zend optimiser if you use zend and recompile eaccelerator as well if you use it. said:
How is that a downgrade?
You wrote that the software requires php 4.3.6 .. and that youre at version 4.3.11. That looks like a downgrade to me.

I get this error:
[crit] Apache is running a threaded MPM, but your PHP Module is not compiled to be
threadsafe. You need to recompile PHP.
Pre-configuration failed

It worked fine with php 4.3.11

I run httpd 2 with worker-mpm