Recent content by Duboux

  1. Duboux

    make error in php 5.4.42

    Hi, When upgrading 5.4.41 to 5.4.42 I'm getting the following error: Installing PEAR environment: /usr/local/lib/php/ PHP Fatal error: include_once(): Cannot redeclare class pear_installer_role_common in...
  2. Duboux

    upgrading dovecot 2.2.15 to 2.2.18

    I'm getting too many errors... Any advice ? ./.libs/libstorage.a(mail-search-args-imap.o): In function `mail_search_arg_to_imap': /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/dovecot-2.2.18/src/lib-storage/mail-search-args-imap.c:112: undefined reference to `mail_index_get_keywords'...
  3. Duboux

    1 email to 1000 recipients / receivers

    Hi, I have a couple of clients that use Outlook or w/e generally used mailclient on their computer, that want to send 1 email to a whole list of recipients in 1 go.. Exim-conf allows only: recipients_max=150 And I think that's fine, as I read that if a mail consists of over 100 recipients a...
  4. Duboux

    user-email-limit somehow leaks too many..

    I received a list of spam-data from hotmail... And it said a user on my server has sent 109 emails. While I set a user-limit of 15. How is this possible and more importantly, what do I have to do to fix this ?
  5. Duboux

    SpamBlocker 4.3.0, BlockCracking, Easy Spam Figther, and new

    oh, So BC actually checks if a script is sending out spam (by counting the amount of non-existing destination email addresses) 1) Does BC run this check before it sends out the email, or does it count destination-mail-server responses saying "this email address doesn't exist" when it sends the...
  6. Duboux

    backup error

    I'm getting these lately: Anyone havs any clue on why this is happening ?
  7. Duboux

    ready-check scripts for Apache 2.4 and PHP 5.5

    Does anyone have or know where to get a shell/perl script that will check the /home and /var/www/html/ directory if everyone is ready for: Apache 2.4 PHP 5.5 ? These two upgrades may require changes for users. And especially with PHP 5.5, websites or webapps may seize to work. (for example...
  8. Duboux

    httpd-vhost.conf contains #

    Does any of you have "#" within your <VirtualHost> containers ? <VirtualHost # 888.888.888.888:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost AliasMatch ^/~([^/]+)(/.*)* /home/$1/public_html$2 DocumentRoot /var/www/html ServerName localhost ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/...
  9. Duboux

    Apache 2.4 keeps httpd.conf from 2.2 ?

    Hi, I'm having Apache 2.4 for a while now, but when I look at the httpd.conf I see directions to help-files in the 2.2 version section. Does this mean that the conf files haven't updated to 2.4 ? When I do ./build rewrite_confs it stays the same. What can I do ?
  10. Duboux

    Multiple MySql versions

    Hello, Is it possible/stable to have two different MySql versions running on the same machine ? Right now I have MySql 5.5 via custombuild. But some software still requires 5.0.. -_- I'm not planning on downgrading MySql back to the year 2003 for the ossec rootkit/etc checker, but it seemed...
  11. Duboux

    getting out of hotmails spam-folder & DKIM

    Hi, A client complained that his email gets into Hotmails spam-folder. Quite annoying really. I checked SPF and A records, and that's all fine. And I added a postmaster address to every domain. Except for the server IP.. I don't know how to make a postmaster@myipaddr address. I even added DKIM...
  12. Duboux

    High load, low CPU use, low memory use, high %iowait (%wa)

    Hi, I'm having some odd problems with my server. It shows a high load, but the rest of the information I see with "top" makes it look like there's nothing busy going on. It started with this: top - 10:44:04 up 113 days, 7:41, 1 user, load average: 8.75, 9.27, 8.99 Tasks: 1059 total, 1 running...
  13. Duboux

    Secure email & webmail [and DA panel]

    Hi, I was thinking abt a SSL-certificate per server for secure webmail secure traffic between mail client and server (TLS) if possible secure DA-control panel The cheapest type of SSL-certificate only works for 1 subdomain. So I was wondering how this could work with...
  14. Duboux

    rsync setup

    Hi, I got a short question. I believe there's 2 ways to run rsync to backup files on an external backup server.. The webserver runs the command to rsync to the backup server The backup server runs the command to rsync from the webserver Would it save resources on the webserver if the rsync...
  15. Duboux

    From proftpd to pureftpd

    help, seriously crying here :P by setting the options in options.conf to: proftpd=0 pureftpd=1 And running the ./build update_all command.. I believed that I would have a running pure-ftpd and a removed proftpd.. But after a while I see yet that: - pure-ftpd ain't even mentioned as a running...