Recent content by interfasys

  1. interfasys

    FreeBSD: End-of-life for all FreeBSD Operating Systems: January 1st, 2022

    Time to update the system requirements page:
  2. interfasys

    Specify license in scripts

    I think there isn't a single DA script which includes a header indicating the license under which these scripts are released. This makes it impossible to re-use things like daemons or utility scripts in other projects. Could we please either have a general statement that everything is released...
  3. interfasys

    Wrong group used for chmod in letsencrypt script

    Setting up cert for WWW server... chown: root: illegal group name Setting up cert for FTP server... chown: root: illegal group name The script should either add exceptions or automatically get the group from a known good source.
  4. interfasys

    DirectAdmin 1.50.0 Release Candidate

    When filling in a CSR without a company name, the user gets the following message
  5. interfasys

    DirectAdmin 1.50.0 Release Candidate

    Something should be clarified in the documentation Let's encrypt considers every subdomain as a subdomain, unlike other CA which consider a subdomain a separate domain. And since they don't offer wildcard certs, it means you may hit that limit quickly if you use a lot of subdomains.
  6. interfasys

    DirectAdmin 1.50.0 Release Candidate

    Another problem with LetsEncrypt. The script doesn't read the DOCROOT variable and thus fails installing certs for domains which use it. And fixing the script doesn't work. The DA binary needs to be updated as well to create the well-known folder
  7. interfasys

    DirectAdmin 1.50.0 Release Candidate

    Thanks for the fix John. I was able to generate a certificate. A couple of usability issues: The cert generation should use AJAX. Currently users get the spinning wheel, which could last a while on less powerful servers, and in the end get to see everything that has happened (badly formatted)...
  8. interfasys

    DirectAdmin 1.50.0 Release Candidate

    The let's encrypt feature doesn't work on FreeBSD 9. After the user clicks on "Save" /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ 131: Syntax error: Error in command substitution The script looks...
  9. interfasys

    Php 7.0.3

    Grab the source from
  10. interfasys

    [Security] phpMyAdmin
  11. interfasys

    PHP 7.0 has been released and we still can't use it in production on DA servers

    Get the code to test locally, but we really, really need DA and Custombuild to let us compile any version of PHP and let customers pick the one they want to use. Lots of project run very well on 7.0 already and the performance boost is non-negligible...
  12. interfasys

    PHP 7.0.0rc6, 5.6.15 and friends

    ### 5.6.15 Core: Fixed bug #70681 (Segfault when binding $this of internal instance method to null). Fixed bug #70685 (Segfault for getClosure() internal method rebind with invalid $this). Date: Fixed bug #70619 (DateTimeImmutable segfault). Mcrypt: Fixed bug #70625 (mcrypt_encrypt() won't...
  13. interfasys

    [FR] Make session.save_path an option

    The path for session.save_path is hardcoded into a PHP ini file, but some of us prefer to use a memcache solution for performance and security reasons, so it would be great if we would specify that path in options.conf or have that ini file in config, so that we can create a customised version...
  14. interfasys

    Apache 2.4 multiple vulnerabilities[email protected]%3E Apache HTTP Server 2.4.16 is available for download from:
  15. interfasys

    webapps open_basedir value should work out of the box when uncommenting

    This is in custombuild/configure/fpm/conf/php-fpm.conf.55 ;php_admin_value[open_basedir] = /tmp:/var/tmp:/var/www/html:/usr/local/php55/lib/php This is in build APP_TMP=/var/www/tmp Apps which need to upload files via PHP will fail if one just uncomments that open_basedir line in...