Recent content by JelleG

  1. J

    Enable Brotli mod_brotli

    Hi, I would like to enable the default mod_brotli module in Apache, that is build in since version 2.4.26. But for some reason it does not seem to work when I check if it works well. How can I easliy...
  2. J

    Disable TLSv1

    Hi, I want to disable TLSv1 and edit the following file: /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf I changed the following: SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3 -TLSv1 Restarted apache, but still TLSv1 is active. How can I disable TLSv1?
  3. J

    Enable mod_remoteip for loadbalancer

    Hi, I want to use the X-Forwarded-For for a loadbalancer. There I used the following option: But it still does not seem to work well. The REMOTE_ADDR is still showing the IP of the loadbalancer. How can I use the X-Forwarded-For for my DA...
  4. J

    Client denied by server configuration private_html problem

    Hi, When I check the error log of my domain, I see a lot of error's from a lot of IP's. The error's are: client denied by server configuration: /home/user/domains/ client denied by server configuration: /home/user/domains/
  5. J

    Change directadmin admin account phpmyadmin password

    Hi, I want to change the password of my Directadmin account for phpmyadmin. Phpmyadmin allow by default the admin to login, by using the default admin account details. I already tried to change the password trough ssh, passwd username. But that does not change the default login for phpmyadmin...
  6. J

    Process /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND eating CPU

    Hi, Currently there are a lot of /usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND processes running, when I check the Process Monitor. These are eating my CPU. How can I check what this exactly is and how to stop it?
  7. J

    CentOS update Kernel erro

    Hi, Using the yum update command, I tried to update Kernel from 3.10.0-327.36.1.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64 to 3.10.0-514.2.2.el7. When the update is complete and I try to restart my VPS, it can not be reboot. I receive the error: error: file '/vmlinuz-3.10.0-514.2.2.el7.x86_64' not found...
  8. J

    SSL enable OCSP stapling with HTTP/1.1

    Hi, I want to enable OCSP stapling on my DA server. Therefore I edit /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/useraccount/httpd.conf with: SSLStaplingCache shmcb:/tmp/stapling_cache(128000) <VirtualHost XXX.XXX.XX.154:443 > SSLEngine on SSLUseStapling on But that does not seem to work. Is...
  9. J

    SSL improve speed

    Hi, I installed a SSL Comodo certificate on my DA 1.501 VPS, using the default DA SSL method for a website. When I run a speed test for my website, using I have a quite long SSL and Connect time. Also for pages that only load images of a few KB. It uses 225ms to performing a...
  10. J

    Add SSL for subdomain

    Hi, I want to keep my current folder structure inside by public_html folder. But I want to serve some of the folders trough subdomain. Our main domain uses a EV SSL Comodo certificate, so it does not support wildcard. I want to serve the subdomains also over SSL, so I need to install a SSL...
  11. J

    Install/enable php EXIF module

    Hi, How can I install/enable the php EXIF module? Runnig custombuild2 with DA version 1.501.
  12. J

    Uninstall Redis CentOS 7 DA

    Hi, I installed Redis a long time ago on my CentOS 7 VPS. Now I want to remove the current version and install the latest Redis 3.2.5. How can I remove the current version? I installed a time ago using the following commands: wget
  13. J

    Speed up SSL

    Hi, I want to improve the speed of the SSL connection. Therefore I am looking for the best solution, SPDY or HTTP/2. My current results are: SSL: 250 ms Connect: 260 ms Is there someone who can tell me what the best way is, to improve my SSL speed with DA?
  14. J

    Default page for all pointed domainnames

    Hi, Is it possible to create a default page, that is displayed for all pointed domainnames? So when a domain is pointed to that IP, the server displays a default page. I need a auto way, without manually added the domainname to the domain pointer. So I want that all domains that are pointed...
  15. J

    Install PHPredis on DA CentOS 7 VPS

    Hi, I installed the latest version of Redis, using the following script. wget tar xzf redis-3.2.3.tar.gz cd redis-3.2.3 make make test make install cd utils chmod +x ./ Now I also want to install phpredis...