Recent content by Webgecko

  1. Webgecko

    Thawte SSL Security Testing

    Hi Guys. Hopefully this will help a few of you and save you some time. Thawte has been testing certifcates and sending out this message... VeriSign has detected a security vulnerability for the certificate(s) listed below. ....list of certs here.... If you'd like to confirm your CSR...
  2. Webgecko

    Had to recompile PHP now PHP4 doesn't work.

    Hi Guys, History. I'm running PHP 4 and PHP 5 as outlined below. This was working correctly. default_php=5 php4_cli=no php4_cgi=yes php5_cli=yes php5_cgi=no -- I had to update OpenSSL, so I installed this from FreeBSD ports (worked fine), then I had to recompile PHP, so I figured, why not...
  3. Webgecko

    Virus Scan for FreeBSD 6.2 using Dovecot

    Hi Guys, Does anyone have a how to for installing an email virus scanner on FreeBSD 6.2 using Dovecot? I see all sorts of how to's for Exim, but they don't seem to apply for exim. <-- I mean dovecot here sorry Any help is greatly appreciated!! Cheers!!
  4. Webgecko

    FreeBSD 5.2.x Email Virus Scanning

    Hi Guys, Has anyone had any luck installing mailscanner and clamav onto a FreeBSD box? I've found some instructions around the forum for RH and would rather not take the risk of mucking up my system if it doesn't work. Thanks in advance!
  5. Webgecko

    Update vm-pop3d in FreeBSD

    After messing about a bit trying to update vm-pop3d from 1.1.6 to 1.1.7f I figure an easy to follow how-to was in order. 1. Get the file from the DirectAdmin server: # wget 2: I copied mine to /root/scripts as I'll delete it later...
  6. Webgecko

    As many of you may have done, I've changed my default users home from /home to /usr/local/www/ Because of this, I couldn't get /~username to work. To get this functional again, I've made the following changes to the httpd.conf file. (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) FROM THIS #The default site...
  7. Webgecko

    Fix 0 Disk Usage Report [FreeBSD]

    Well, as a new DA user, I've been finding this forum very usefull, however, it seems that you must view several threads to get the one answer that's needed, or rather, peice together all the small bits of information provided by the members. Here's another one that I struggled with and decided...