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    transfer to new server with only one valid license

    Hello guys, I'm trying to tranfser all my data to a new server but I have only one license. I don't want any downtime during the transfer, so is it possible to change the license ip to my new server ip and get everything ready(but this will take a few hours), then restore all the backup from...
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    is it possible to restart lsphp via user panel?

    now I am using openlitespeed with lsphp, but sometimes the php process seems to be hung up, user got error 503, I have to killall the lslphp processes. if it possible to restart ols or php via the user panel?
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    can't access phpmyadmin when set phpmyadmin_public no

    Question 1: I set phpmyadmin_public to no in custombuild, (using enhanced theme) logged in with admin user change to user level, and in the advanced features section I click "phpMyAdmin" but the link url is https://domain:2222/CMD_DB? , the page redirected to MySQL Management...
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    CMD_SHOW_SERVICES not showing all php version

    I have installed 4 php version but CMD_SHOW_SERVICES only show 2 version.
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    request to provide dual certificate support

    It seems nginx and apache both support dual certs(RSA/ECC) now,it is possible to add dual certs supports in DA?
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    Apache 2.4.17 how to build with http/2 support?

    I just upgrade my apache version to 2.4.17,but how to use it when using DirectAdmin?
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    Can I install DA on Windows Azure?

    Windows Azure use NAT,and don't an external IP address,but instead using internal addr, I want to know is it means i can't install DA on Azure?
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    bug report nginx_apache when user using dedicated ip (maybe)

    I think it's a bug. before i use nginx_apache,user who has a dedicated ip can visit their website by ip, after i install nginx_apche,they can only see "Apache is functioning normally",is is a bug or not?
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    cb2.0 nginx_apache how to get real ip

    I tried to install cb2.0 nginx_apache yesterday,apache can't get the real client ip Apache/2.4.10 nginx 1.6.1 I edit the httpd.conf file to use built-in module but i still can't get the real client ip,the server-status page show all any suggestion?
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    DA bug report

    My timezone if GMT+8,so it's Nov.1 now.I may have found a bug of DA. I noticed that DA didn't reset bandwidth cuz it's already Nov in my timezone, so i check the CMD_BANDWIDTH_BREAKDOWN?user=xxx , i found it was only 30 days in Oct! I don't know if it is a bug,and sorry for my bad english.