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  1. D

    Domain says NO SSL yet PCI scan sees a cert

    I turned SSL OFF for a domain as I do not need it for this domain BUT a PCI scan of that domain reports it sees a cert with a name LOCAL I thought if I went to a domain with https that DA has SSL turned off I would get a server error but I get a IE error that the cert is not trusted and does...
  2. D

    mysql tied to domain name

    I am new to DA and in other CPs the mysql database is tied to a domain name and if that domain name is removed the database is removed. It appears to me that in DA the database is tied to the user and if I delete a domain name the CP with not delete the mysql datafile, is that correct?
  3. D

    pci compliance issue

    The scan service we use reported the following Description: HTML page uses cleartext form-based authentication (/) Feb 23 17:31:02 2011newS everity: Potential Problem 2.62736new11Impact: Poor authentication practices may leave the web application vulnerable...
  4. D

    weekly cron jobs

    once a weekend on the weekends my server gets very high CPU use. It is not tracffic so I think it maybe a cron job running. I do not want to disable a cron job that Direct Admin needs. Can you tell me which of these programs could be the cause -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 380 Mar 27 2007 0anacron...
  5. D

    process uses 100% of CPU

    I am a frist time user of DA and the install went fine but I see this process running all the time and taking 100% of the CPU (1 core). I search logwatch everywhere and it does not seem to reside on my server 1614 root 25 0 135m 112m 1564 R 100.0 1.4 355:50.52 /usr/bin/perl...
  6. D

    default admin reseller

    I have a new install and by default there is a administrator called a admin and a user called admin. When I list all resellers it shows none but there must be a admin reseller as I can see it as the owner of the admin user. Since there is no admin reseller I can not give multi-IPs to domains...
  7. D

    to use php 5.3.x

    This is my first DA dedicated. When I received it PHP 4.2.17 was installed. I asked my host to upgrade to 5.3.x as 4.2.x is end of life. They said they installed 5.3.x but to use it I have to add below lines in .htaccess file. <FilesMatch "\.php$"> AddHandler x-httpd-php6 .php...