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    CB2.0 lsphp + nginx + apache (proxy)

    Hi Martynas, I'm experiencing a small problem with the new lsphp + nginx/apache proxy. When a file ends with .php it will try to parse it even if it don't exists. So url's like jkgljeglkjekglj.php will return a blank page instead of a 404 Not found error. Can you please help me fix this...
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    Use hostname for alias function not working

    Hello, When I use the following settings in options.conf for my server: use_hostname_for_alias=yes redirect_host_https=yes The redirect does not work, even after I tried to do: ./build rewrite_confs Everytime I try to open the page I get a page 404 Not Found...
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    Custombuild 2.0 won't build Apache with DirectAdmin installation

    Hello, Today I was installing a new server with CentOS 6.4 (64-bit) and DirectAdmin. I was using the option for using Custombuild 2.0 and Apache failed to build with an APR message: buildconf: libtool not found. You need libtool version 1.4 or newer installed to build APR...