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  1. T

    PHP 7.4.33 - Security Release

    Hi, Is it safe to use (Customize Versions) on Stable directadmin update channel (Current 1.643) ? Or we must update the DA to use newer versions? For example: setting the php to 7.4.33 from Customizing Versions and update the php to 7.4.33 on DA 1.643 ? Any extra step needed in this case ? Regards
  2. T

    Ionclube loaders for php 8.1

    Support has been added to the latest version of CB.
  3. T

    Ionclube loaders for php 8.1 Production Loaders...
  4. T

    R.I.P. CentOS ?

    I need to change the license OS? (For converting the CentOS 8 servers to Rocky)
  5. T

    DirectAdmin 1.62.3 has been released

    message: Subject: DirectAdmin has been updated Error Reading Message File
  6. T

    Admin backup or system backup as well?

    Hi, Check out the following topic before upgrading to CentOS 8 !
  7. T

    Curl 7.73.0

    No, it is windows with FTP service
  8. T

    Curl 7.73.0

    Same here, for SSL only FTP servers. (with self-signed certificate)
  9. T

    Directadmin 1.53 disk usage 0.0000 issue for users on /home2

    Hi, After upgrade to 1.53 all accounts which they hosted on /home2 have 0.0000 disk usage
  10. T

    Exim 4.89_1 update to 4.89.1 is available

    Exim 4.89_1 update to 4.89.1 is available
  11. T

    [PLUGIN] CustomBuild 2.0

    Hi issue on CB 2(rev:1747) "update to is available" may related to:
  12. T

    PHP 7 installation files left untouched in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild

    Hi, I think there is a issue in custombuild with PHP 7.x Anytime you do upgrade to new version, PHP installation files left untouched in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild screen shot:
  13. T

    Excessive resource usage /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --basedir=/usr

    Hi, is there way to trace and solve main issue? or this is fine and no need to fix? Account: mysql Resource: Process Time Exceeded: 233834 > 5000 (seconds) Executable: /usr/bin/bash Command Line: /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --basedir=/usr note: i know i can add mysql to...
  14. T

    please add php 7 to edit_files.txt

    Hi, please add php 7 to /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/edit_files.txt /usr/local/php70/lib/php.ini=user=root&group=root&permission=644&hide_if_not_exist=yes Regards
  15. T

    quota for ext4 vs xfs (grpquota or pquota ?)

    Hi, i done enable quotas in CentOS 7 (xfs) but i got doubt after reading this guide: in CentOS 6 (ext4) i using (usrquota,grpquota) in /etc/fstab like this: /home ext4 defaults,usrquota,grpquota also i done same in CentOS 7 (xfs)...
  16. T

    safe remove Let's Encrypt from all services

    Hi, as you can see here, So what is the safe way to remove Let's Encrypt and reset/regenerate (apache, dovecot, exim, ftp, and DirectAdmin) certificates ?
  17. T

    "da_phpmyadmin" mysql password location

    Hi, Which files containing "da_phpmyadmin" mysql password?
  18. T

    use custom httpd.conf for one host user

    Hi, I want to add header for one host user httpd.conf Header always set X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" i try: Admin Panel -> Admin Settings -> Customize Httpd Configurations . but that not cover my needs. also i need to add header just for https and just for one host user, and also need to...
  19. T

    imap warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'

    Hi, i done compiling IMAP to PHP : but what about this warning message at the end of the installation? warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
  20. T

    is this safe to: DROP USER ''@'localhost';

    Hi, in mysql i have this : mysql> SELECT User, Host, Password FROM mysql.user; +------------------+---------------------------+-------------------------------------------+ | User | Host | Password |...