Search results

  1. Anne

    SpamAssassin Setup option not in user menu

    Hi, When I login as a user, I do not see the option SpamAssassin Setup in the E-Mail Management menu. I have SpamAssassin installed on the server. Do I need to activate something first?
  2. Anne

    What to do with mod_ruid2?

    Hi, According to this announcement, mod_ruid2 will be dropped. I have a server with this module on it, I get a message from DA about that support will be removed soon: "Support of mod_ruid2 will...
  3. Anne

    Slow query log empty

    Hi, I'm afraid it is a very small thing, but I tried it all and can't find it. I want to log slow querys (MariaDB 10.2). So what I did was: in etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf I added below: [mysqld] local-infile = 0 The lines: slow_query_log = 1 slow_query_log_file = /var/log/mysql-slow-queries.log...
  4. Anne

    Custombuild and security updates

    Hi, I'm not a too experienced admin, but with direct admin and custombuild I'm able to keep multiple servers up and running and safe. Now there is always a list when I click the custombuild page and I check each update as good as possible if it's needed. But this takes quite some time. The...
  5. Anne

    Is 404.shtml some default error document?

    Hi All, For weeks I'm searching for a strange error in my error logs that is only popping up now and then. The error is that 404.shtml cannot be found. This is logic, because I don't have a 404.shtml file at all. The only problem is, I can't find who is telling to use this? I did not have a...
  6. Anne

    Solved Clean end the multiple different php versions option?

    Hi, I'm very happy with the "multiple php version" option as described here how to install: It helped met to upgrade all users what was needed and now everything is working on PHP7.4 like a charm. The question is, how do I now get rid of all the...
  7. Anne

    How to find load spikes cause

    Hi, I keep a close eye on the load of the servers. Therefor I installed the 'load monitor' plugin and that is doing a nice job. However, when I look at that graph, I see some high spikes a couple of times a day. What I don't understand is this. When you click on that spike/time you go to the...
  8. Anne

    Solved DKIM enabled but not active

    Hi, I've installed DKIM like described: At first I could not find the button to enable DKIM, but after a restart of Exim and Directadmin it was there. Maybe a logout/login would have worked too, I don't know. So then I hit the button and now it say...
  9. Anne

    Different update options

    Hi, I love the custombuild plugin, really makes life easier for me. I have a question, seems to be obvious, but I just cant find it. What is the difference between those 3 options: I always thought 1 and 3 were the same, but I just run 1 and 3 is still there, that's why I was wondering.
  10. Anne

    Setup correct IP mailserver multiple IP on server

    Hi, I hope you can help me out. I have a server wilt multiple IP addresses attached to it. One domain has it's own IP. But when I send an email, it comes from the main IP of the server. I found this feature: Now I'm not a super DA professional...
  11. Anne

    Getting blacklisted by DirectAdmin

    Hi, This is strange. I just click around in DirectAdmin after a single succesful login as admin, but after a few clicks I get: error=1&text=Your IP is blacklisted So I removed my IP in the "ip_blacklist" file (/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin) and...
  12. Anne

    Confusing versions

    Hi, I'm no expert, but some time ago got the custombuild thing working and this works fine for updating software. But now I'm getting a bit confused with all version numbers I see. I saw in my DA admin panel: Plugin manager (1). A new update was available, custombuild from 1.0.31 to 1.0.32. I...
  13. Anne

    Cannot build OpCache

    Hi, I'm new to te CustomBuild 2.0, so far it seems to be a great tool. My first attempt is to install the opCache. After clicking on build it seems to work and the result is: "done!". But it's not active. After searching a little I see in the Plugin Logs a message that tells me: Cannot build...
  14. Anne

    Restore error because of sql_mode

    Hi, I don't want MariaDB to run in strict mode so I've added: sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to: etc/my.cnf This works, but the downside is I can't backup or restore without getting an empty database and errors like: Unable to restore database dbexample.sql to dbexample...
  15. Anne

    User account hack

    Hi, I've had a user sending spam. It was using a user account with correct password. But the user account password was a random 8 character (upper/lower/numbers) password. So should impossible to hack brute force right? The problem was, that I could not login myself anymore. So the hacker...
  16. Anne

    Backup restore charset trouble

    Charsets must have a reason, but I only bump into them when I'm in trouble ;). I make a back up one DA server and restore it on a new DA server. Than characters like é and ë shows up like: � A tipical charset problem I believe, but I dont know how to fix this. Should I modify something on the...