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  1. J

    Script DNSSEC automation with OXXA

    Dear all, For those of you who make use of OXXA ( as provider. I made an little script whiche runs when an zone is signed. It adds the records to the oxxa domain settings. So no need anymore to add it manualy. Jordi
  2. J


    For the ones interessted This one gives me an green bar at #!/bin/sh DOMAIN=$1 USER=`cat /etc/virtual/snidomains | grep "^$DOMAIN" | cut -d':' -f2` echo "Users is $USER" TQ=/usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue DTQ=/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq if...
  3. J

    Mail Archive on second disk

    Hmm that's an good one.. they are all created with only rwx rights for the user, not for the group. After changing it, Im still getting the permissions error.
  4. J

    Mail Archive on second disk

    Tnx for your reply. Yes it can, it even creates the folders. But when moving emails to the archive folder i get permissions error. Folder is created with ownership: {mailuser}:mail
  5. J

    Mail Archive on second disk

    Hello, I would like to configure an archive folder for every user on an seperate disk. I did try with namespace but i get an permission error. Someone here which have configured it and would like to share configs? namespace Archives { type = private disabled = no hidden = no list = yes...
  6. J

    Letsencrypt ACME record not showing up

    Yes it's. Also an secondary dns on 2 other servers.
  7. J

    Letsencrypt ACME record not showing up

    Okay, tried again with dig -t TXT that gives an anwser. So named looks to work fine. Also worked on the google dns
  8. J

    Letsencrypt ACME record not showing up

    Thanks for your replies. As far as i know, bind is running as caching server. Based on the local query respons time and the amount of memory used by named (300MB after a few hours). Are there other ways to check? I checked the complete troubelshooter. Most of it is looking at the http check...
  9. J

    Letsencrypt ACME record not showing up

    First off all, thank you for your reply. Caching dns does ring an bell, but didn't changed that the last moths. I did try to "rndc flush" during an request running... stil get same results.
  10. J

    Letsencrypt ACME record not showing up

    Hi All, My problem started with errors of Letsencrypt about problems by renewing certs. I switched the dns servers in to local ( and ::1), and changed the timeout to 1000. Also set the TTL to 600 for the hole domain. When i dig the text records of the domain only 2...
  11. J

    BUG: error log subdomain gives usage log

    Hi, Found a little bug. when in user level -> System info & files -> Site summary / statistics / Logs Click on an sub domain and the usage log and error log buttons appear. But they both go to /usage-log. Error log should go to /error-log. Jordi
  12. J

    Bug: Datepicker in darkmode

    The datepicker (for example with vacation messages config) is not useable when you use the skin in darkmode. It needs some extra styling to make it visible.
  13. J

    How to upload global *.cf files to SpamAssasin

    ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs is included by default when it runs as the user i tought. So add you blacklisted in and user changes (example: whitelist) is overruling local.
  14. J

    named fails to start on a CentOS7.5 VPS

    Ipv6 config in bind: options{ listen-on-v6 port 53 { any; }; } You can check if your host has an ipv6 with ifconfig: $ ifconfig eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet 1xx.1xx.1xx.1xx netmask broadcast 1xx.1xx.1xx.2xx inet6...
  15. J

    How to get this mail list ?

    Go to all users (add admin / reseller level) push select checkbox. Then an option is availible for Send Message. In the next screen you can choose to email only. If you wish to extract the mailaddressses you need an customized script
  16. J

    blocking an entire TLD such as all from *.icu

    Nope, it updates its bayesfiles, didn't update so far. I do check this by an git push before and after update. Then i check the config file changes.
  17. J

    Weird connectivity problems on Centos7 / DirectAdmin

    And if you shutdown the firewall? systemctl stop firewalld What happens if you ping the box and ping from the box (dig for example)?
  18. J

    Change PHP version for diff users

    You can set the php version at user level -> account manager -> domain setup -> <domain> in evo skin
  19. J

    named fails to start on a CentOS7.5 VPS

    Why not config your ipv6 to also work with named?
  20. J

    Weird connectivity problems on Centos7 / DirectAdmin

    Could it be your DNS sets? I also used transip but did an static config of my networkset including dnsservers of google ( /