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  1. S

    error parsing config: field port: strconv.Atoi: parsing "8585 ": invalid syntax

    When I try to run any custombuild options, it shows: error parsing config: field port: strconv.Atoi: parsing "8585 ": invalid syntax I checked options.conf and there's no such thing for 8585. Do you please help me?
  2. S

    Server Management Only 200$/month

    Hi, I'm glad to announce that is now offering Server Management with following prices per situation, per hour, per month, per year, and even per day: Linux Server Management (VPS): 5$ per hour 20$ per day 200$ per month 2000$ per year varies between 5$ to 100$ per situation...
  3. S

    How to allow user A write to user B home directory

    Hello, I searched for my problem but I'm not sure why I did not find what I tried to do. Suppose users A and B. groups a b a: a b b: b a I did this also: chmod 755 /home/user_a/ /home/user_b/ Now both users A and B can cat each other files and cd into each other's directory, also can run php...