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  1. P

    Netdata daily cron update script fails due to SSL error

    I recently installed Netdata from the build software options in Custombuild2. All went fine and Netdata is running smooth. But every night I receive an error email from the daily cron tasks with a failed Netdata update. The error is caused by SSL issues in curl and according to the log is a path...
  2. P

    Use Netdata API when binding to socket?

    I have been running Netdata outside of DA for some time but switched to the custombuild version as it seemed easier to manage. I was however using the Netdata API for managing some stuff and I fail at getting this to work again with the DA custombuild version as I get `Unauthorized` responses...
  3. P

    Exim questions (unexpected disconnection and Connection reset by peer)

    I have been running Exim for a while but today an email coming from my server was bounced. The email was send using Gmail which has the SMTP configured and the Delivery Status Notification given by Gmail was "550 No such recipient here". As I am sure the address exists I looked at the logs and...
  4. P

    No pear and pecl after upgrade php1_release to PHP7.4

    I upgraded my php1_release from PHP7.1 to PHP7.4. All went well but after that I wanted to add the redis extension to PHP7.4 (which is already installed for other PHP version). For installing extensions I use the excellent and easy script from...
  5. P

    Cronjob reports "The exec function is disabled" while it's enabled for that user

    Cronjob reports "The exec function is disabled" while it's enabled for that user I have a VPS with CustomBuild DirectAdmin running several websites using PHP-FPM. I have the secure_php feature turned on but some website do need exec() or shell_exec() permission. For these users I edit...
  6. P

    DKIM only passes for one domain on VPS

    I have a VPS with CentOS7 and DirectAdmin and followed the DKIM install guide here. This generated the public and private key files in all domains under /etc/virtual/<<domainname>> and added the x._domainkey DNS records for all domains. I'm not sure if this should be the case but the keys are...
  7. P

    Cant switch from MariaDB 10.2 to MySQL5.6

    I'm trying to switch from MariaDB 10 to MySQL 5.6 (run into issues restoring a Magento 2.2 database). Did all the necessary steps but the switch fails with the following log. How can I fix this and get MySQL 5.6 up and running (a clean install will be fine as well). This is a brief description...