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  1. B

    pre and post scripts for Domain Aliases modifications

    DA offers the ability to run scripts for pre and post add, change and remove domains and subdomains. (/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/README) Is there a way to do something similar for Domain Aliases?
  2. B

    DA use on FreeBSD 7.0

    What is the process and timeline for getting DA tested, updated and "certified" to use on FreeBSD 7.0?
  3. B

    Enable/Disable cascade delete of Reseller's user's data

    It would be helpful (safer) to add extra steps to delete a reseller and all of that resller's users and the user data. It is too easy to delete a reseller - and lose a lot of users and configurations - by accident or by admin's who do not know the consequences. There should be 3 or 4 are you...
  4. B

    Password protected sub dir affects subdomain

    I have an end user who set up a password protected subdirectory. It is a subdirectory of a path that is a set up as a sub domain. With the password protection on, it works for that subdirectory, but it also pops up an auth window on the sub domain root itself. If you cancel the pop up auth it...
  5. B

    How can Apache access logs be rotated daily for Webtrends reporting?

    How can I get DA to rotate Apache access logs daily instead of monthly or at 100mb? With daily rotated logs Webtrends can access the logs via a user ftp account and build daily reports.
  6. B

    Tomcat not able to access MySQL DBs

    I have Tomcat installed along with DA. A MySQL DB was created thru DA that can be accessed normally via PHP just fine (localhost, dbname, user, etc) However, trying to access the DB through Tomcat (default port 8080) returns: "Error= SQLException: Reg - Server configuration denies access to...