99% cpu dataskq ?

I found the next problem on my server:

when I call this script:
# echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

dataskq will hang on my server, and the serload rising up to 5+

then I kill the dataskq:
# killall -USR1 dataskq

When I look into:

I see evertime the folling error:
2006:04:16-12:32:01: Error renaming Q file to tmp Q file: Unable to move /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue to /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue.tmp: <br>
A directory component in oldpath or newpath does not exist or is a dangling symbolic link.<br>

I have awstats installed on my server, mabay thats the problem?

Snaaps, nice to see you here as well :).

AwStats shouldn't have anything to do with the usual dataskq.
Should be completely independant, but not 100% sure. It shouldn't be that, but can't really be sure due to the fact we don't know anything about your server config.
the dataskq problems are gone.

whats going rong:

the cron: echo "action=tally&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
runs every 4 hour, I now changed this to default.

I delete million files, these files are belong to a costumer.
The account off the costumer has already disabled a few week ago.

Now the problems are gone.