Sorbs Delistings


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
London UK
Has anyone dealt with them regarding a delisting of a /16 block - I rent my IP's through my supplier (who I also have my servers from).... They have a problem of spammers renting servers for just a month just to spam (allegedly), they assign a server a specific IP from a block, then additional IP's can be rented (like I do) for each server.

So, when Sorbs catches a spamming IP, instead of blocking /32 they block /16! So the whole damn block! I think this is wrong but they say it's normal (yes, afaik, that block does get abused by spammers often, which got me thinking why they blocked the whole block - still wrong imo).

Even I tried to get it delisted but they didn't want to know - even the supplier tried to delist for some time, no joy either.

N00bish question alert: Am I thinking right if we don't use that IP block for domains, then email will be ok, or do they look at just the main server IPs for mail?

On a side note, what is up with their site SSL certificate. I kept getting warnings on each page I went to! :confused:
Sorbs is quite aggressive. In the past their logic was that if the provider allowed even one spammer, that was reason to remove the whole block. Some information here (

Be sure to read the section Criticism.

Sorbs sucks. I swapped dedicated server providers. Got me new block of IP's and 2 of the 13 are listed. I went round and round trying to get them delisted. My provider tried. It came down to all they really want it money to delist :rolleyes: (yes I know it's a donation)