Show info message to versions when custom_versions is used


Verified User
Sep 14, 2015
Sometimes people forget that there is an entry in custom_versions.txt and they run into problems when installing software / new configs (for example the latest Dovecot config) or run into security issues because newer updates aren't shown.

My suggestion;

Display a info / warning message to ./build versions, something like this;

Latest version of Nginx: 1.15.2 (INFO: Version taken from custom_versions.txt)
Installed version of Nginx: 1.15.2


Latest version of Nginx: 1.15.2 (INFO: Version taken from custom_versions.txt, actual latest version = x.xx.x)
Installed version of Nginx: 1.15.2
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What if we'd just show 1st line with a warning that custom_versions.txt exists? Some plugins/scripts are already parsing output from "./build versions", and changing the output to match the above one might break the things for 3rd party scripts/plugins.
Well breaking things is not what we want;) A message at the beginning of ./build versions is also a good solution. Something like this?

./build versions

INFO: A custom version (custom_versions.txt) is active for the following items: Nginx, Dovecot


Latest version of DirectAdmin: 1.53.4
Installed version of DirectAdmin: 1.53.4

Latest version of Let's Encrypt client: 1.1.10
Installed version of Let's Encrypt client: 1.1.10

Or a general message. But I think it's nice to have a direct overview of the items currently in custom_versions.txt.
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