Is the initial DNS zone created during a DirectAdmin setup needed?


Verified User
Nov 4, 2005

I'm working on fully automating (with ansible) the setup of DirectAdmin on Debian 9, and at some point during the setup, a zone entry will be created in /etc/bind/named.conf with the hostname of the server, e.g. "". This domain is not present in /etc/virtual/domainowners, and considering it is a subdomain, and the NS for it probably exists somewhere else, my questions are:

Why is this zone created? Can it be removed entirely, or will something fail to work? The hostname of the server already exists in DNS, and the server does not use itself as a resolver.

From what I can tell, Bind will never serve requests for this zone, because nothing will ask it. I have two slave DNS servers that are my public ones, so I'm syncing all zones on to them, but it also doesn't look like I should sync this particular zone, even if I should leave it on the server itself.

# grep ^zone /etc/bind/named.conf
zone "" { type master; file "/etc/bind/"; };

Any insights appreciated.

Directadmin checks named.conf for a domain existence. At least it protects against adding the hostname by an user.
If that check is all it's really used for, I would think a better check would be against the server's actual hostname, not the name in an otherwise unnecessary DNS zone?
There is a direct usage of the zone file, you know it...

If you don't need it on your server feel free to remove it, you are the boss on your server.

If you have a feature request please open a ticket with Directadmin support.