Letsencrypt expiration notices, re-subscribe?

Richard G

Verified User
Jul 6, 2008
I kept getting expiration notices from Letsencrypt's Certbot for a domain which was not present on our servers for a couple of weeks.

Then I saw this line in the mail:
If you are receiving this email in error, unsubscribe at http://mandrillapp.com/track/unsub.php?u=3...etc.
So I clicked that link and thought I got a choice or at least a confirmation warning because I wasn't sure if this would be happening for this domain only.

Nothing of the kind happened. Only a notice that I was unsubscribed and should not get any emails again from Letsencrypt.

So my question is, does this unsubscribing only apply to that one domain? Or is it a full unsubscribe and I won't get any messages from [email protected] (so form Certbot)?

In the last case.... how can I subscribe again?

I found something in this thread:

however, I don't have any "certbot" command on the server and as far as I know this subscribtion was automatically done by Directadmin some way.

Anybody a clue about this?