MariaDB not properly handling minor updates, thinks the latest is already installed


Verified User
Mar 25, 2013
When attempting to update MriaDB 10.3.15 to 10.3.16 on an older CentOS 6 install, Custombuild rejects the update attempt because it tries to update to 10.3.15 at some point instead of 10.3.16

Updating MariaDB 10.3.15 to 10.3.16
warning: MariaDB-10.3.16-centos6-x86_64-client.rpm: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 1bb943db: NOKEY
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        installing package MariaDB-server-10.3.16-1.el6.x86_64 needs 174MB on the /usr filesystem
Ensuring local-infile is disabled for security reasons in MySQL configuration file...
190625 14:27:02 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql
Giving mysqld a few seconds to start up...
This installation of MySQL is already upgraded to 10.3.15-MariaDB, use --force if you still need to run mysql_upgrade
cp: `/usr/lib/' and `/usr/lib/mysql/' are the same file

Additionally, is there any way to make CB stop downloading icu4c-64_1-src.tgz? It'll fetch that file whenever 24~ hours have passed since I last did ./build update. I've read elsewhere that icu4c is at a dead end for CentOS 6 so it won't update itself any further. Seems weird for CB to keep downloading the file though.

It's most likely due to either MariaDB-server 10.3.16 not installed, or it failed to restart.

Check the output:

rpm -qa | grep MariaDB

and/or make sure to restart mariadb/mysql, and then run mysql_upgrade
Seems like it's the disk space spectre rearing its ugly head again (as noted by the message about MariaDB needing 174MB to install). Moved over /usr/share and recreated it as a mount point to free up some space inside /usr. The update worked afterwards.

Given that this is a CentOS 6 server still, I should probably stop doing mickey mouse fixes and just migrate everything over to a CentOS 7 server where I lean towards the higher end for partition sizes. That said, CentOS 8 is approaching so maybe I'd be better off just waiting a bit longer.
Nearly had the same issue (OS: Debian 9). We have a 10GB /usr partition, with currently 2,4GB available. While extracting/installing mariadb 10.3.16, the available space on the partition went down to about 400MB. We never had any /usr space issues on any of our DA servers in the past. Would it be advisable to create larger /usr partitions in the future or is this an anomaly?
10GB in /usr partition might be too low, specially if you have much data in MySQL and custombuild creates dumps of MySQL databases under custombuild/mysql_backups/. In the backups are a root cause, you might move them to /home/admin/mysql_backups/ for example by updating options.conf.