MySQL user and password wrong, even though they are from the conf file?


Verified User
Sep 2, 2019
I am having trouble with the directadmin sql root password. if i want to execute this command:
mysqldump -u root -p passwordhere –all-databases| gzip > /root/Backups/mysql_server.sql.gz
it asks for a it, makes it give error 1045 DENIED.

Yet... I am entering the root as user, and the password associated with it from the conf file in the directadmin folder.

Whats wrong here?
i have just found out that the default mysql user and password work on my server. (da_admin)
That shouldn't be the case, as i editted the conf file and setup file that contain the mysql username and password, to something else.
I guess they are on a other location now?
But where?
as i editted the conf file and setup file that contain the mysql username and password, to something else.
Which conf and setup file? Because I guess you might doing it wrongly.

It's normal dat da_admin is used. You can change the mysql password from the Admin -> user level -> change passwords. When clicking that you can select what to change. It's also possible to only change the main mysql password.
This uses the correct locations for the files containing the passwords (in the /usr/local/directadmin/conf/ directory).

The root pass is not used so not known, probably something random. If you want to change that, have a look here:
Which conf and setup file? Because I guess you might doing it wrongly.

It's normal dat da_admin is used. You can change the mysql password from the Admin -> user level -> change passwords. When clicking that you can select what to change. It's also possible to only change the main mysql password.
This uses the correct locations for the files containing the passwords (in the /usr/local/directadmin/conf/ directory).

The root pass is not used so not known, probably something random. If you want to change that, have a look here:

I already know the location that you named. It has different usernames and passwords that i already changed. Yet (even after a reboot) it still uses da_admin and its standard password.

In the administrator account under the user settings, i cant find a password menu.
These are the options i see: