Accidentally deleted /etc/proftp* config. How to restore?


New member
Mar 7, 2016
After installing Pure-FTPd I figured I could remove ProFTPd and did so through yum remove proftpd.

Still found some config files lingering in /etc/proftpd* so I deleted them.

Turns out ProFTPd config is STILL USED with PureFTPd.

directadmin.conf links references these files that are gone:

How can I restore these files? I don't have that many accounts and can easily recreate them through the web interface but I am not sure if that will recreate the correct vhosts.
Currently with these files missing I cannot make a new domain or add FTP users on the existing domains.
Turns out ProFTPd config is STILL USED with PureFTPd.
No it's not.
Other things like /etc/proftpd.passwd are still used. But I'm using pure-ftpd too and in my /etc/ directory I only have:
2014-05-05 22:36 proftpd.conf.back
2016-03-01 04:22 proftpd.passwd
2014-05-05 22:36 proftpd.vhosts.conf

The proftpd.passwd is always used by Directadmin, even the pureftpd.pdb file is created from there.

So you need to find a way to restore that one.
See this thread:
maybe you can fix at least part of it.
Thanks! I recreated an empty proftp.passwd file and filled it with the admin users using the info in the link you provided (removed 'admin' for security purposes).

Then I could recreate all ftp users through the DA webinterface as usual. Seems like everything is working again!

So I guess proftp.conf and proftp.vhost.conf (empty) are not used by DA, even though they are referenced in the config file?
You're welcome, glad you got it fixed.

I'm not sure if proftp.conf is totally not used, it might be used for quota or something. But proftpd.vhosts.conf is inded not used. The reference to it in the config file is for if proftp is used instead of pureftpd as far as I know.