Admin Backups + System Backup


New member
Sep 27, 2020
Do you use Admin Backups and System Backup at the same time?

If yes, in 'System Backup' do you also select 'HTTPD Data' and 'MySQL Databases' to be backup? Wouldn't that be redundant with 'Admin Backups' and would just take up more backup space and processing power during backup?

Selecting every user accounts in Admin Backups and selecting only DNS data, and Custom Directories & Files in System Backup is this enough to protect your data?
system backup should use for Month backup that include important file like custom .1.1 or anything that Admin Backup don't have it.

by default it include User Folder, then you can exclude from /home/{user}
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Really depends on you what you define as Backed up.
Full metal recovery. Outside the scope of DA natively.

There is Admin Backup and System backup

What backup systems are available?

There are 2 backup systems.
  1. The recommended one is the DirectAdmin backup system.
    It will create a tar.gz file for each DirectAdmin account storing all information specific to that User (databases, email accounts, email data, domains, website, subdomains, etc.).
    This is the recommended method because it has a simple 1 click restore.
    It's handy for user backups and to move accounts between servers.
    This backup system has 3 different levels of interfaces, all which create a file with the same contents:
    - Admin Level -> Admin Backup/Transfer - Reseller Level -> Manage User Backups - User Level -> Site Backup
  2. The other backup system is:
    • Admin Level -> System Backup
  3. This is an interface to the 3rd party "sysbk" backup script.
    The System Backup will backup all data including config files for services (like the /etc/exim.conf, directadmin.conf, etc.,) that are not part of the DA backup.
    This tool can also be customized to add/remove paths that you would like.
    However, this tool does not have a 1 click restore option.