Application backup returns error after succesful backup


Verified User
Nov 18, 2013
I am using Installatron to backup applications to Stack, a webdav implmentation. Small backups are fine, no errors returned. Larger (say, more than 10 GB) are fine, but an error is returned. This is a bit annoying, as the backup is not listed and cannot be easily restored.

I think this has something to do with a max value in PHP. So I changed max_execution_time and max_input_time to 7200. This does not have the effect I expect.

I created a ticket with Installatron, but they do not have a solution yet. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Maybe you could try to increase the upload_max_filesize and maybe time_out, but since I presume you are trying to backup to Transip stack for which a mount is used as far as I know. So my tips might not be of any help.
Thanks. I had already increased upload_max_filesize. The setting time_out does not ring a bell.

You can backup to TransIP stack directly as webdav, from within the installatron apps. However, admin and system backup do not have this option; for that, you do have to use a mount. But a mount is not stable for large files....
The setting time_out does not ring a bell.
Oops, I confused apaches timeout and php's time_limit setting.

Pity dat a mound is not stable for large files on admin backups. In that case I'll just keep using my current backup method.