(BBR) Bottleneck Bandwidth and RTT congestion control system


Verified User
Jul 13, 2013
Just found this while surfing and never heard about it, this (new ? since 2016) algorithm claims that the connections from your server get much faster than the standard Reno and CUBIC congestion control algorithm.
Nevertheless I have add this tweak and It looks like its indeed makes your server responds/connect faster, anyone used before ?

Further read: https://djangocas.dev/blog/huge-improve-network-performance-by-change-tcp-congestion-control-to-bbr/
Some tests here : https://www.cyberciti.biz/cloud-com...ternet-speed-with-tcp-bbr-congestion-control/

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That looks interesting, haven't used it yet, will have to test it out and see if it makes any difference.
I enabled it on about half a dozen servers for testing. I can see the benefits of it (from documentation online), but for most it may not show much results for many users. It helps best with ramping up transfer speeds on slower customer links and maintaining higher average transfer speed over those links. And helps to reduce latency for higher latency users (over long haul links). This may also help with mobile devices. I'm still evaluating it. (And also a couple of the servers are running low latency linux kernels.)