Block spam mails with TW name


Verified User
Nov 25, 2019

Every single day me and my clients receive spam emails, but the most annoying ones are the ones that have TW in the name of the person who sends the email.

So as an example:

Sony TW
Walmart TW
Bianca TW

They all (for what i can see now) have the same "unsubscribe" link (this will not unsubscribe you but you will let them know your email adres is working ofcourse)

https://**** at the **** there is always a different word. Is it possible to block these?

Edit: i see now that there are multiple domains they use for the "unsubscribe"link
Best way is to look at the headers and report them to Spamcop.
Also in de headers, the real sender ip's are visible, because subjects and from addresses are often spoofed.

Once you have the real senders from the headers, it's more easy to block them.
Best way is to look at the headers and report them to Spamcop.
Also in de headers, the real sender ip's are visible, because subjects and from addresses are often spoofed.

Once you have the real senders from the headers, it's more easy to block them.
so is that mean we sign a account via then forward a spam mail to the email address they give us right?

Thank you so much