Bug in signed in user level


Verified User
Jul 24, 2013
Mashhad, Iran
It's about one week that after login as admin, the first user level is "User" not "Admin". In this way we always have to change it to Admin.

See the image below:
Are you sure you didn't logout when you were on user-level? If you logout as admin, it should automatically use admin user-level when logging in.
Are you sure you didn't logout when you were on user-level? If you logout as admin, it should automatically use admin user-level when logging in.

I'm almost sure I was not in admin user-level, but I might be signed in as one of users, and signed out automatically.
If you're on admin level, and you logout, do you have issues then? If you leave admin zone on user level, wouldn't you like it to start where you stopped before logout? Thank you for the answers :)