Change webmail link in skin


Verified User
Mar 25, 2009
I want the webmail link in the header of the enhancd skin to point to Roundmail instead of Squirrelmail.... Where is the line WEBMAIL_LINK=squirrelmail ? - Grep is running but forum might answer faster LOL
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Beautiful, Thanks. I actually did search forums but apparently didnt cmoe up with a good term to find that. Lots of configs to look at. WooHoo! :)
I was also confused about changing the link like is written here and I didnt understand if I had to write "webmail_link=other" in directadmin.conf for introducing this as variable or token, and after to change a lot of links in the templates.

I found out that its enough to add 1 line in the directadmin.conf:

"webmail_link=roundcube" (for roundcube in my case) and restart DA.

This should be the simplest explanation.