DirectAdmin Junk folder & catch-all account.


Verified User
Sep 1, 2021
I have been migrating customers to Directadmin but ran into some trouble.

At first the default 'spam' folder was created, so users now had their 'Junk' folder AND 'spam' folder.
And after users complaining I followed the following instructions:

Except for issues with double created folders - we're not experiencing the problem that for users with a catch-all address, mail not sent to the main email adres is being put in the 'main' account email address (created by DA) spam folder. being [email protected] - an account the customers don't use.
(was hoping 'Redirect it to the catch-all spam folder in your main imap account.' was the answer to this, but this causes above behavior).

Selecting 'Send the spam to the email account's spam folder.' within Spamassassin Setup also places the spam to a location unknown.

I don't find the documents very clear, but this may be due to english not being my native language.

I have over 100 other mail accounts to migrate so my questions are:

- Am I wrong to be using spam_inbox_prefix=0 ?
I don't want two folders (Junk and spam) it confuses the customers for existing mailboxes

- How do I make sure that spam sent to catch-all accounts are redirected to a specific users Junk folder?
Most of these accounts have one main address, and a catch-all redirecting mail to the main account.

While I know catch-all is bad practice, these are old accounts that I am migrating; they use seperate mail accounts for login into websites (catch-all).

Thank you for your time, hope things are clear (as they are not really yet, for me).
If the recipient email is an alias/forwarder and not an actual email account, the spam will always go to the Linux user account's mailbox that owns the domain (aka the default, catchall mailbox). There's no known workaround for that. It may not be your case, but it's 100% of cases I hear like this, so it may well be.