Even more security in the file editor


Verified User
Nov 2, 2016
Apeldoorn, Netherlands

The file editor in DA is great!
Is it possible to hide root-files (with security=yes) until the root-ww is given by the admin?
It is nice you can only edit them untill you give the root-ww, but I dont like the idea, that they can be viewed without being root.

We have a lot of root-files there to maintain linux. Like iptables, sudoers etc.
But I am not sure whether this is really a good idea.... (Is it better not to have this kind of files in the editor?)

flexJoly, a Divaeloper
Side note, in my default file i don't have the sudoers file line, maybe because i'm on CentOS, anyway, you can easily customize that list.

Best regards

Thanks for your reply.
Yes editing is very easy. I add many config-files to it.

I like the extra root-security in the file-editor. So only admins with root-permission can change these files. If all admins were allowed to change the files, then why is the root password needed?
So there is a difference between root and admin. If normals admins cant change the file, I don't want to them to see it also. It feels more (falsely?) secure.

Greetz, flexJoly
Usually admin level is supposed to be given to user that also have root access, to manage the server, i don't see the point to have additional admin otherwise...

Maybe with some custom script you can prevent admin that differ from "admin" user to see that page.

Best regards