Help please


Verified User
Jul 21, 2006
I recently got a server, and I cant seem to get it to allow me to compile unreal! I need to be able to do this, I have the direct admin web panel and freebsd 5.4 os. I had direct admin on another box befor and never had this issue :| lemme copy you the error I get.

Configuration summary
TRE is now configured as follows:
* Compilation environment
CC = gcc
CFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall
CPP = gcc -E
LD = /usr/bin/ld
Use alloca(): yes
* TRE options
Development-time debugging: no
System regex ABI compatibility: no
Wide character (wchar_t) support: no (disabled with --disable-wchar)
Multibyte character set support: no (disabled with --disable-multibyte)
Approximate matching support: yes
Build and install agrep: no
compiling TRE regex library
make: Permission denied

Ive tried login in via ftp, and chmodding everything to 777, 555 and 755 nothing changes, Ive logged in as root and chmoded the user account same problem Im really at a lose for this :| please help if you have any suggestions.
I dont know if this is a direct admin issue or freebsd :|
try chowning it to the user you login with

chown -R user:user unreal/*

seems that make does not have permission.

What does ls -la /usr/sbin/make or /sbin/make gives you ?
gcypher said:
try chowning it to the user you login with

chown -R user:user unreal/*

When you say do this, you mean like...
chown -R usernameofaccount:usernameofaccount /home/usernameofaccount*

What does ls -la /usr/sbin/make or /sbin/make gives you ?
I get nothing outa that.... but I could be doing this wrong... hehe

My goal here is, I bought a dedi with a few friends, and we all are running and doing a few diff things with it, so we have diff accounts for each other..