Little suggestion - cron timing


Super Moderator
Oct 9, 2004
A Coruña, Spain

i was thinking this morning about the custombuild update notify (cron way).

Usually is based on daily check/notify, on my server i use to change the cron line to become a weekly notify.

This cause maybe one day ive no free time to update all box and everyday i'll got same email for same updates so i was thinking...

Why dont add a value to option.conf for cron_frequency (ex. daily, weekly, monthly)?

Lets say standard daily so no one will notice a difference, but, for who want less email and a different organizzation should be awesome without need to manual edit the cron line.

What do you think?

Done. New variable in options.conf:
can also be set to weekly and daily.


Thanks a lot John, actually i was doing the same, moving the file between cron.daily and cron.weekly folder, thot i did edit a line but i didnt, good that was easy enough to do that.

Hope someone will found this tip usefull as i do :)

Again, thanks a lot
Very usefull! although it is a good reminder that it sends a every day notice, id rather get the update notice once so i know its there and i can plan myself.

Good suggestion SeLLeRoNE, good production action from John. Thanks guys.
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Very useful indeed. I changed the line into weekly and afterwards ./build update_data but the cron remains running daily. Sure I can move the file between cron.daily and the cron.weekly folder, but I wonder why this isn't done automatically.
Cause i suppose hasnt been study for move an existing cron, maybe John should fix it but is not a major problem, just move the file between folder and you'll be fine.

Very useful indeed. I changed the line into weekly and afterwards ./build update_data but the cron remains running daily. Sure I can move the file between cron.daily and the cron.weekly folder, but I wonder why this isn't done automatically.

Try then

./build cron