Move to a new partition


Verified User
Sep 19, 2007
Hello, I have a problem my clients can no longer upload because the / home partition (/dev /md2) is complete and I would have liked to use / (/dev/md1) How can I do this without losing anything?

My list of partitions

[root@srv1 ~]# df -h
devtmpfs 7,7G 0 7,7G 0% /dev
tmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 7,8G 17M 7,7G 1% /run
tmpfs 7,8G 0 7,8G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/md1 1,8T 14G 1,7T 1% /
/dev/md2 48G 46G 0 100% /home
tmpfs 1,6G 0 1,6G 0% /run/user/1001
tmpfs 1,6G 0 1,6G 0% /run/user/0

Regarding / home I should mount / dev / md2 / in a directory / home2 and copy and move all the data from / home to / home2?

But I don't know how to do you have an explanation? How to activate the quota on / home2 and for new customers how?

Thanks for your help
Thanks for your reply, but should I mount the /dev/md1 partition on /home2 before?

So I add in directadmin.conf:


I have restarted directadmin but how to copy the users in the folder /home2 and the quotas will be activated on home2?
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You should definitely mount it.

Personally I am doing something else - I copy the data to a new place, then delete the original and replace it's directory with a symlink using ln -s