Port 25 is closed?


Verified User
Oct 10, 2008
After enabling SpamAssasin and RBL by using the FAQ my port 25 is closed?

I've reboted and restarted the services several times, but still no go.

Telnet to my server ip 25 --> no connection possible.

I've tried connecting from several ip's (to make sure it's not my ISP which is in the RBL) and they all have the same problem.

I tried removing RBL with :

cd /etc/virtual
rm -f use_rbl_domains
touch use_rbl_domains

And I'm still having the same problem. Anybody know how to fix this??
Problem is solved when I add the # infront of the spamassasin config in the exim.conf.

But now my spamassasin filtering is turned off :(
Not necessarily, chatwizrd, poster said that he cannot connect to Port 25. That wouldn't occur if Exim is running, even if spamd isn't. That's why I want to see the section he's commented; if he uncomments one line too many it could keep exim from running.

He probably uncommented # Spam Assassin

But apparently he doesn't care since he has not posted back.