Proftpd FTP accounts can not login.


Verified User
Jul 18, 2006
Utrecht / Netherlands
Hi all,

Today I noticed that the ftp accounts created throug "user level FTP Management" did not work for my server.

I tried all the things I could google up, but so far still not able to fix this.
Now I found this item in the knowledge base:

Which I tried to see if it is a password related error.
However, this script only returns 2 lines, instead of my current 11 ftp users.
I have more then 2 users active, and the user-level-created once are not even generated by this script.
Is this how it is intended to be?

Anyone got a clue why a
[email protected] user in proftpd.passwd could keep giving incorect login errors?

Kind regards,
However, DirectAdmin is forcing the [email protected] with the @ inside.
Does this not make things unnecessary complicated to end-users?

That is only required if the user is a virtual FTP user and not a domain owner. The domain owner can login without an email address as a username. This convention is really the only way to create virtual FTP users on a shared server. There needs to be something to differentiate between FTP user joe from the domain from user joe associated with Since both domains are most likely owned by to completely different users, they both might have the need to create a user joe and that is the method chosen to keep them separate.