CustomBuild 2.0 FAQ (DirectAdmin 1.46 or later is recommended)

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Staff member
Aug 22, 2006
CustomBuild 2.0 plugin to control CustomBuild from DirectAdmin UI:

1. What is custombuild?
Custombuild is a tool, which can install/update:

  • Apache
  • AWstats
  • Autoconf
  • Automake
  • ClamAV
  • cURL
  • Dovecot
  • Exim configuration files
  • FreeType
  • GD
  • htscanner
  • suhosin
  • ionCube loaders
  • ImageMagick and imagick PHP extension
  • libiconv
  • libjpeg
  • libpng
  • libmcrypt
  • libmhash
  • libspf2
  • libsrs_alt
  • mod_ruid2
  • ModSecurity
  • nginx
  • MySQL
  • Zend opCache
  • pigeonhole
  • PHP (mod_php, php-fastcgi, PHP-FPM, suPHP, lsphp)
  • ProFTPD
  • Pure-FTPd
  • SpamAssassin
  • Webalizer
  • Zend Optimizer
  • Zlib

Update web-applications:

  • Roundcube webmail
  • Squirrelmail webmail
  • phpMyAdmin

What is new in CB 2.0? The main changes:
  • Major change: nginx webserver support
  • Major change: nginx+apache combination support (nginx as a reverse proxy)
  • Major change: MariaDB 5.5, 10.0, 10.1 and 10.2 support as a replacement for MySQL
  • Major change: LiteSpeed webserver support (warning: commercial product, so please upload your license key to configure/litespeed before installation) with lsphp support as a PHP mode using LiteSpeed SAPI (lsphp is also available for Apache webserver on servers running CloudLinux).
  • Major change: pigeonhole support
  • Major change: php-fastcgi support (using mod_fcgid)
  • Major change: PHP-FPM support was added, new paths to PHP binaries/configs (/usr/local/php53(54/55/56))
  • Major change: mod_ruid2 support was added (you can use it together with suPHP)
  • Major change: new way of PHP exension installations (using php.conf.d, not the main php.ini), ability to include many new extensions to the future versions of CB
  • Major change: mysqlnd (MySQL native driver) is used for MySQL, pdo-MySQL and MySQLi in php configuration.
  • Major change: BlockCracking (outgoing anti-spam solution), Easy Spam Fighter (incoming anti-spam solution) support.
  • Added SpamBlocker (eximconf) 4.2 & 4.3 support in eximconf_release ("./build exim_conf" to update).
  • Added htscanner support.
  • Added suhosin support.
  • Added ModSecurity support.
  • Added zend opcache support.
  • Added custom_versions.txt support.
  • Added pigz support (./build pigz).
  • Added "./build version" to show the CustomBuild version.
  • Added "./build mysql_backup" to do MySQL backup only (without installation).
  • Added libxml2, libxslt and clamav files to /configure/ directory, so they are not hardcoded anymore, and there is ability to customize them.
  • Added automatic upload scans with ClamAV for ProFTPd, Pure-FTPd and PHP (using suhosin or mod_security).
  • Dropped mod_perl support.
  • Added --with-xsl, --enable-soap to PHP configuration files
  • php1_mode/php2_mode/php3_mode/php4_mode + php1_release/php2_release/php3_release/php4_release options.conf settings. php1_release is the main version of PHP, php2/3/4 is the additional one.
  • Major change: if php1/php2/php3/php4_mode is set to suphp, fastcgi, lsphp or php-fpm, event Apache MPM is used (when no mod_php is selected).
  • Major change: pureftpd is now the default FTP service. New option: ftpd=pureftpd/proftpd. (replaced old pureftpd=yes/no, proftpd=yes/no)
  • Added PHP 5.6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 support
  • Using PHP 5.5 as mod_php + mod_ruid2 by default (except FreeBSD systems where PHP 5.5 is installed in PHP-FPM mode without mod_ruid2)
  • Dropped PHP 4.4, 5.2 support
  • Dropped Apache 1.3, 2.0, 2.2 support
  • Dropped MySQL 4.1 support
  • Dropped UebiMiau and Atmail Open webmail support.
  • Ability to install PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 7.0 or 7.1 together (2 versions of any combination)
  • Automatic exim.conf changes after installation/update of ClamAV/SpamAssassin (it uses includes of /etc/exim.spamassassin.conf and /etc/exim.clamav.conf in /etc/exim.conf.

2. How to upgrade custombuild to 2.0?
The best way to do that is a complete reinstallation of CustomBuild, because of changes in configuration files, options.conf etc.
Please note that you need DirectAdmin version 1.46 at least to run CustomBuild 2.0.

IMPORTANT: It's recommended to execute pre-installation commands again before the upgrade:

cd /usr/local/directadmin
mv custombuild custombuild_1.x
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz
cd custombuild
./build update_da

Please check your options.conf file, set the settings you would like to have. The following steps are needed after upgrade of the CustomBuild script, if you would like to use apache:
./build apache
./build php n
./build rewrite_confs

However, if you want to rebuild everything:
./build all d

3. How to install custombuild 2.0?
cd /usr/local/directadmin
wget -O custombuild.tar.gz
tar xvzf custombuild.tar.gz
cd custombuild
./build all

You need to run this command for the first time:
./build all d

4. How do php1/2/3/4_release/mode work in the options.conf file?

Main requirements:

  • If nginx is chosen, use php-fpm only as a PHP mode.
  • Do not set php1/2/3/4_release to the same release of PHP.
  • Only php1_mode can be set to mod_php.
  • Do not use mod_ruid2 together with suphp or php-fastcgi.

php1_release is always the default version of PHP which is be used for virtualhosts, php2/3/4_release is the additional one which needs to be chosen in .htaccess, apache or nginx configuration files.

Available options for php1/php2/php3/php4_mode are:

  • mod_php - PHP is installed as apache loaded module (mod_php) this way, together with this option mod_ruid2=yes can be set to run apache processes under specified user names. Can only be set for php1_release.
  • fastcgi - PHP is installed as php-fastcgi this way, mod_fcgid is used in apache configuration.
  • php-fpm - PHP is installed as PHP-FPM this way. If apache is chosen, mod_proxy_fcgid is used in apache configuration for connections to PHP-FPM sockets. Sockets are placed in /usr/local/php53/sockets, /usr/local/php54/sockets or /usr/local/php55/sockets.
  • suphp - PHP is installed as CGI this way, suphp module is used in apache configuration. suPHP configuration file can be found here: /usr/local/suphp/etc/suphp.conf

5. How to see what's set in the options.conf file?
Use "./build options" to see what's set in the options.conf file.
The output will be something like:
Apache: 2.4.3
Dovecot: 2.1.10
MySQL: 5.5.27
PHP (default): 5.4.7 as mod_php
Run "clean" every time: yes
6. What each option does in options.conf?
please use "./build opt_help full" for the latest data. To see the options without any descriptions, please use "./build opt_help".

PHP options:

  • php1_release - select the default PHP release which you would like to get installed/updated using "./build php" or "./build all". Possible values: 5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4 (default: 7.2).
  • php2_release - select the additional PHP release which you would like to get installed/updated using "./build php" or "./build all". Possible values: 5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/no (default: no).
  • php3_release - select the additional PHP release which you would like to get installed/updated using "./build php" or "./build all". Possible values: 5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/no (default: no).
  • php4_release - select the additional PHP release which you would like to get installed/updated using "./build php" or "./build all". Possible values: 5.3/5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/no (default: no).
  • php1_mode - select the PHP run-mode of php1_release. Possible values: mod_php/fastcgi/suphp/php-fpm/lsphp (default: mod_php (on FreeBSD: suphp)).
  • php2_mode - select the PHP run-mode of php2_release. Possible values: fastcgi/suphp/php-fpm/lsphp (default: php-fpm).
  • php3_mode - select the PHP run-mode of php3_release. Possible values: fastcgi/suphp/php-fpm/lsphp (default: php-fpm).
  • php4_mode - select the PHP run-mode of php4_release. Possible values: fastcgi/suphp/php-fpm/lsphp (default: php-fpm).
  • opcache - install zend OpCache opcode cacher for PHP using "./build opcache", "./build php" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • php_ini - update PHP configuration file using "./build php-ini" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • php_ini_type - this option is used to set what type of php.ini file CustomBuild needs to use while executing "./build php-ini". Possible values: production/development (default: production).
  • x_mail_header - enable/disable mail.add_x_header option in php.ini using "./build php", "./build php-ini" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • imagick - install/update ImageMagick and imagick PHP extension using "./build imagick", "./build imagemagick" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • ioncube - install/update ionCube using "./build ioncube" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • zend - install/update Zend Optimizer using "./build zend" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • htscanner - install/update htscanner using "./build mod_htscanner2", "./build php" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes). Not installed if PHP mode is set to mod_php (even if htscanner=yes is set in the options.conf file).
  • suhosin - install/update suhosin using "./build suhosin", "./build php" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).

MySQL/MariaDB options:
  • mariadb - this option is used to choose the version of MariaDB. Possible values: 5.5, 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4 (default: 10.0).
  • mysql - this option is used to choose the version of MySQL. Possible values: 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 8.0 (default: 5.6).
  • mysql_inst - install/update MySQL/MariaDB using "./build mysql", "./build mariadb" or "./build all". Possible values: mysql/mariadb/no (default: no).
  • mysql_backup - backup MySQL every time with MySQL/MariaDB update. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).

Apache options:

  • apache_ver - this option is used to choose the version of Apache. Install/update it using "./build apache". Possible values: 2.4 (default: 2.4).
  • apache_mpm - this option is used to choose the MPM (Multi-Processing Module) of Apache. MPM is chosen during "./build apache". Possible values: prefork, event, auto (default: auto). Auto option selects "Event" MPM if mod_php is not chosen as php1_mode, otherwise "Prefork" MPM is set.
  • mod_ruid2 - install/update mod_ruid2 Apache module using "./build mod_ruid2" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes (on FreeBSD: no)). It gets installed automatically if mod_ruid2 value is "yes" and php1/2/3/4_mode is set to "yes".
  • modsecurity - install/update ModSecurity - Web application firewall using "./build modsecurity", "./build apache", "./build nginx" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • modsecurity_ruleset - chooses ModSecurity Rule Set to install when "./build modsecurity_rules", "./build modsecurity", "./build apache", "./build nginx" or "./build all d" is ran. Set to 'no' to use no ruleset (or to use a custom one, uploaded to custom/modsecurity/conf directory. Comodo option provides Comodo Rule Set for ModSecurity: OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set: Add custom rules to custom/modsecurity/conf, they are added automatically to /etc/modsecurity.d after './build modsecurity' or './build modsecurity_ruleset' is ran. Possible values: comodo/owasp/no. (default: comodo).

Webserver options:

  • webserver- this option is used to choose the webserver to be used. Install/update the webserver using "./build apache", "./build nginx", "./build nginx_apache", "./build openlitespeed" or "./build litespeed" (depends on the option value). Possible values: apache/nginx/nginx_apache/litespeed/openlitespeed (default: apache).

Web applications:

  • phpmyadmin - install/update phpMyAdmin using "./build phpmyadmin" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • squirrelmail - install/update SquirrelMail webmail using "./build squirrelmail" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • roundcube - install/update RoundCube webmail using "./build roundcube" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • webapps_inbox_prefix - use "INBOX." prefix for IMAP folders (Sent, Drafts, Trash) in SquirrelMail and RoundCube. Possible values: yes/no (default: no).

ClamAV options:

  • clamav - install/update ClamAV using "./build clamav" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • clamav_exim - enable ClamAV for email scanning using "./build clamav", "./build exim_conf" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • pureftpd_uploadscan - use ClamAV to scan all files uploaded using Pure-FTPd. It gets enabled with any of these commands: "./build proftpd" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • proftpd_uploadscan - use ClamAV to scan all files uploaded using ProFTPd. It gets enabled with any of these commands: "./build pureftpd" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • suhosin_php_uploadscan - use ClamAV to scan all files uploaded using PHP, suhosin option must be enabled for this option to work. It gets enabled with any of these commands: "./build suhosin", "./build php n" or "./build all d". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • modsecurity_uploadscan - Scan HTTP uploaded files using ClamAV (using /usr/local/bin/, when ModSecurity is enabled. ClamAV needs to be installed for this setting to work. It gets enabled with any of these commands: "./build modsecurity_rules", "./build modsecurity", "./build apache", "./build nginx" or "./build all d". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).

Mail options:

  • exim - install/update Exim using "./build exim" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • eximconf_release - select exim.conf release. Possible values: 2.1/4.2/4.3 (default: 2.1).
  • blockcracking - enables BlockCracking in exim.conf for outgoing spam mitigation using "./build blockcracking" or "./build exim_conf". Requires exim configuration version 4.3 or higher. More information: Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • easy_spam_fighter - enables Easy Spam Figher in exim.conf for incoming spam mitigation using "./build easy_spam_fighter" or "./build exim_conf". Requires exim configuration version 4.3 or higher. More information: Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • dovecot - install/update Dovecot using "./build dovecot" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • dovecot_conf - update dovecot configuration files (/etc/dovecot/) using "./build dovecot_conf" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • eximconf - update exim configuration file (/etc/exim.conf) using "./build exim_conf" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • pigeonhole - install/update pigeonhole "./build dovecot", "./build pigeonhole" or "./build all". Install pigeonhole plugin for RoundCube using: "./build roundcube". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes)
  • mail_compress - enables gzip compression for new emails (using zlib in dovecot). Compressed emails take less space (when testing, compressed mail folders took ~20% of their initial disk space). To compress old emails manual action is needed (script to automate the process: When set to "yes", just run "./build dovecot_conf". Possible values: yes/no (default: no)

FTP options:

  • ftpd - install/update FTP service using "./build pureftpd" (or "./build proftpd", depending on the setting value), or "./build all". Possible values: pureftpd/proftpd (default: pureftpd).

Statistics options:

  • awstats - install/update AWstats using "./build awstats" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • webalizer - install/update webalizer using "./build webalizer" or "./build all". Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).

Crontab options:

  • cron - enable crontab for CustomBuild, use "./build cron" to set-up. Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • cron_frequency - defines how often the cronjob should be executed. Possible values: hourly/daily/weekly/monthly (default: weekly).
  • email - set email for notifications. Possible values: any email address (default: [email protected]).
  • notifications - enable email notifications about the updates. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • da_autoupdate - Update DirectAdmin automatically when update is available. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • updates - update software/applications automatically when updates are available. Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • webapps_updates - update (automatically) only web applications (phpMyAdmin, RoundCube, SquirrelMail etc.). Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).

CustomBuild options:

  • custombuild - version of the CustomBuild script that you would like to use. Possible values: 1.1/1.2/2.0 (default: 2.0).
  • autover - this option is used to download versions.txt every time with every "./build" command. Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • bold - turn bolded text on/off. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • clean - execute "./build clean" every time. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • cleanapache - exclude apache from "./build clean". Possible values: yes/no (default: no).
  • clean_old_tarballs - execute "./build clean_old_tarballs" every time. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).
  • clean_old_webapps -execute "./build clean_old_webapps" every time. Possible values: yes/no (default: yes).

7. Where are PHP-FPM configuration files located?

  • /usr/local/php53(54/55)/etc/php-fpm.conf - it is the main php-fpm configuration file.
  • /usr/local/php53(54/55)/lib/php.ini - PHP configuration file for php-fpm.
  • /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/php-fpm.conf - it is the template for /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/php/php-fpm53(54).conf file.

8. Where the PHP-FPM log is located?

9. Why do I get "500 Internal server error"?
Check your PHP-FPM log and apache logs for any errors. The most common issues are:

  • php-fpm53(54/55) service was not reloaded after some manual changes done
  • socket files are removed from /usr/local/php53(54/55)/sockets

10. How do I include this script by default with the DirectAdmin install?
Type the following before running the
echo "2.0" > /root/.custombuild
11. I've messed up my apache (httpd) or nginx configs, how I can restore working versions?
./build rewrite_confs
12. How may I switch between the PHP versions installed?

13. How to update everything (what is managed by CustomBuild) using the script?
Firstly, you need to run:
./build update
To fetch the latest versions file.

Run this if you want to look what updates are available:
./build versions
Run this if you want to update everything what's possible:
./build update_versions
14. I have installed PHP 5.3 (or PHP 5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1) with php-fpm or suphp option. Where the configuration files (php.ini) could be found?
PHP 5.3 configuration file is located here: /usr/local/php53/lib/php.ini
PHP 5.4 configuration file is located here: /usr/local/php54/lib/php.ini
PHP 5.5 configuration file is located here: /usr/local/php55/lib/php.ini
PHP 5.6 configuration file is located here: /usr/local/php56/lib/php.ini
PHP 7.0 configuration file is located here: /usr/local/php70/lib/php.ini
PHP 7.1 configuration file is located here: /usr/local/php71/lib/php.ini

Extensions (zend, ioncube) are enabled here: /usr/local/php53(54/55/56/70/71)/lib/php.conf.d/directadmin.ini

15. I have installed PHP 5.3 (or 5.4/5.5/5.6/7.0/7.1) with php-fpm or suphp. Where the binary files could be found?
PHP 5.3: /usr/local/php53/bin/php53
PHP 5.4: /usr/local/php54/bin/php54
PHP 5.5: /usr/local/php55/bin/php55
PHP 5.6: /usr/local/php56/bin/php56
PHP 7.0: /usr/local/php70/bin/php70
PHP 7.1: /usr/local/php71/bin/php71

16. I have installed both PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4 as php-fpm/suPHP, but I see a mod_php (CLI) version in /usr/local/bin/php. Why?
CLI version of PHP is needed for DirectAdmin. It must exist as CLI for DirectAdmin skins and plugins. However, /usr/local/bin/php is just a symlink to /usr/local/php53/bin/php53 (/usr/local/php54/bin/php54, /usr/local/php55/bin/php55, /usr/local/php56/bin/php56, /usr/local/php70/bin/php70, /usr/local/php71/bin/php71)

17. How to fix "gcc: /usr/lib/mysql/ No such file or directory"?
cp /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.* /usr/lib/mysql/
For 64-bit OS:
cp /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.* /usr/lib64/mysql/

18. I have installed PHP with fastcgi/php-fpm/suPHP/mod_ruid2 option and I get some errors when trying to use the webmail. Why?
You get them because some folders/files are owned by apache, and they need to be owned by the user.
Use the following to fix the problem:
chown -R webapps:webapps /var/www/html/squirrelmail
chown -R webapps:webapps /var/www/html/roundcube
19. Is it possible to use custom configuration files for PHP, Apache, suPHP, proFTPd, pure-ftpd?
Yes it is, CustomBuild checks for "custom" directory in /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild. For any file you find in configure/ just copy it to custom/ leaving the same path structure inside. "./build used_configs" might help you to see which config is in use right now.

20. I created a script that installs apache modules automatically, but I need to include their settings in httpd.conf file. Is there an easy way to do that?
CustomBuild creates ability to include modules settings easily into the apache configuration file. You just need to create a file in /etc/httpd/conf/extra (or the other directory) and include it in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-includes.conf. It will automatically load your settings and CustomBuild won't rewrite the file with "./build rewrite_confs". If you need a custom PHP or Apache configuration file - just upload it to custom directory. E.g. if you have /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/ap2/configure.php54 file it will use it instead of /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/configure.php54.

21. Is it possible to see what configuration files CustomBuild is using at the moment?
Yes, it is. CustomBuild has a new feature now:
./build used_configs
It will show something like:
Apache configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/ap2/configure.apache
PHP (default) configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/fpm/configure.php53
PHP (additional) configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/custom/ap2/configure.php54
ProFTPD configuration file: /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/configure/proftpd/configure.proftpd

Files from the "custom" folder are detected too.

22. Is it possible to change an option without editing options.conf file?
Yes, it is. Just run:
./build set option_name value

23. Is it possible to make PHP more secure using the CustomBuild script?
Yes, it is. You need to run "./build secure_php". At the moment it disables some dangerous PHP functions as:
exec, system, passthru, shell_exec, escapeshellarg, escapeshellcmd, proc_close, proc_open, dl, popen, show_source

24. How to install or disable pigeonhole?
To install:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set pigeonhole yes
./build dovecot
./build roundcube
To disable:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild.
/build set pigeonhole no
./build dovecot
./build roundcube
25. How to update CustomBuild script (build file) only, without downloading versions.txt and other files?
./build update_script
26. How do I switch to nginx+apache combination? (nginx running in front of apache)
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set webserver nginx_apache
./build nginx_apache
./build rewrite_confs
27. How may I customize versions.txt?
Please use custom_versions.txt file in CustomBuild directory. Only lines that need to be changed in versions.txt need to be added there.

Note: it won't be updated or overwritten, so please remove custom_versions.txt file when it is not needed anymore.

An example of custom_versions.txt:
28. How management of specific component could be disabled?
If you cannot disable specific component in the options.conf file, custom_versions.txt could be used to disable CB management of specific components, use "0" for the version number to disable a component, for example:
29. I run nginx_apache, but I don't see images on the websites or they're completely blank. What to do?
Usually the problem appears for users, who followed some 3rd party guides on the forum and have all of the directories in public_html chmod to 711. A fix for that is to chmod them back to 755:
find /home/*/domains/*/public_html -type d -print -exec chmod 0755 {} \;
30. How is it possible to remove software that is not set in the options.conf file, but is installed on the system?
Please use the following command to list all of the items that are available for removal:
./build list_removals

You can choose any item from the list to remove. To remove them all use:
./build remove_items

If you have any requests for the FAQ - feel free to post them into CB 2.0 subforum, questions will be added to FAQ.
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