Assigning IP address using new license format


Verified User
Jun 26, 2009
We have a few lifetime licenses, even though we are not a hosting company we just used them to manage our own servers.

Today I went to purchase a new license to find out the licensing system has changed.

I purchased a personal license as it is perfectly fine, we only need a single user and a couple domains.

We have multiple IP addresses on the server.

With our previous license we would be at the user level and modify the domain. We would be shown options for SSL, PHP Access, symbolic link from private_html to public_html etc.

We also had the option to select the IP address the website would function on.

With the new license type, we no longer have the option to assign an IP address to a domain. The option simply does not appear.

If we have more than 1 IP on the server, how can we set what IP address the website will function on?

You might need to list all users and modify admin's user data and add IPs to the admin. Then you add domains and then you change IP of an added domain.
Wow! Found it, thanks. Here is the route I took:

Logged in as admin.

List Administrators -> Click Admin (under name) -> Admin's User Data (button) -> Modify User admin (button)

From there I could set the IP or modify the IP.
Similar situation. Have Personal License.
Main administrator is 'admin'
Can't create any resellers, as only one account allowed.
Created 5 websites. Server have 5 IP and would like to assign separate IP for each site. Going to use SSL.
As per user 'yapadu' post
List Administrators -> Click Admin (under name) -> {Admin's User Data (button) This is not there}-> {Not there either} Modify User admin (button)
When selecting User Data
it shows all of the sites I have created. Gone through all the tabs and clicked on domain as well. But can't find anywhere that I can change or assign IP to the site.
Only place I can add new IP are when as 'Admin'
As a 'Reseller' I can see only the main server IP, not the ones I added.
There is no 'Reseller' as I can't add any per Personal License agreement. Only one account allowed and that is the 'Admin'.
When as a 'User', clicking on domain doesn't give me any option to change site IP.
Am I missing something?
Does Personal License allows domains to have different IP's?

Please help...
"Admin" is also a reseller :) Just go to "Reseller level" and you'll see IP management there.
Yes, When I go to the "Reseller Level" All I see is the server's main IP. Other IP's I added under "Admin" are not listed there..
Can I add IP's under "Reseller Level"?
You need to assign them to admin on admin level, as they must be “free” now.
Yup, That's what I did, But I don't see them under reseller. I have attached the screen shots..
Please help..


  • admin.png
    9.5 KB · Views: 9
  • reseller.png
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I still see all as "free" in your attachment, none of them are assigned :)
Here is screen shot from Reseller Stats -> User Statistics


  • reseller-stat.png
    3.7 KB · Views: 1
Making progress ? Still need to assign them to the sites. Attached the screen shot from Reseller


  • reseller-ip.png
    11.4 KB · Views: 4
Now you can make them shared (and be able to assign same address to multiple sites) or owned (and assign just to 1 customer). Just use checkboxes again, they're there for a reason :)
I am really sorry and really appreciate your patience. Almost there, I think.
Now done all that above.
What I have to do assign them IP's to the Sites. Check boxes in Reseller shows only 'Share' and 'Free'
I think I have select users and check the 'Site' and assign the IP some where there? But....
Click “share”, then you’ll be able to use them for the clients.
When as a 'USER' I don't see any IP Management.
Clicking on Domain, All I can get to is selecting PHP and Header is Modify site.
Don't see anywhere where I can assign IP.

When as 'RESELLER' I see the IP Management
IP are shared and I see IP Status Shared and assigned user 0
Clicking on check box shows 'Share' and 'Free'
Clicking on 'Share' displays that IP is shared.

Similar situation under "Admin' IP management.

When assigning IP to domain, do I have to be in 'Admin', 'Reseller' or 'User'?
and what should I select?