DISCONTINUED CyberAdmin Skin - The best skin ever made for DirectAdmin so far, coming soon!

I installed the skin system wide on a FreeBSD server and activated it for a reseller.
It was easy to complete the installation process after logging in
Suggestions regarding the logo:
  • Offer to store it locally or to use a server path
  • Resize the logo automatically or at least give use the dimensions to use.
  • Links to logo should ALWAYS use SSL. The skin should test image links before saving them and ask if the user really wants his customers to see warnings when using the control panel.

  • Skin is not using SSL links everywhere which raises warnings in the browser and could prevent loading external content. I found one offender (http://fonts.googleapis.com), but there could be more
  • I think it's a bad idea to encrypt the CSS
  • It's great that you use the standard DA language files. Makes it easier to make changes
  • I'm missing a basic colour editor for the skin. Similar to what is offered in most WP themes. A corporate identity is more than just a black and white logo.
  • I like the fact that the files are still built like the enhanced skin. It makes it easier to make changes to this skin

User view
  • Advanced links in the widget on the right are missing the current domain and lead to a "Domain does not belong to you" error message
  • Webmail menu is empty, but clicking on the top item loads server/webmail
  • Resume doesn't mean Summary in English
  • Summary is broken, the gauges end up in the right column
  • I'd suggest using flags for the language switcher. Someone who doesn't read English won't necessarily notice or understand "Change language", but he'll probably notice flags

Tested on the latest stable version of Chromium.
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Yes, we have not made an SSL compatible version yet :) We will very soon.
The logo upload system will be better very soon. We wanted to keep it simple for the first release.
We have a 3 color selector already in the making.

Great feedback!!!! Really, we appreciate all of the time you took to find these things and write them down :)

I have forwarded your entire post to the development team and we will fix as much as possible and make it better in some cases :)

I installed the skin system wide on a FreeBSD server and activated it for a reseller.
It was easy to complete the installation process after logging in
Suggestions regarding the logo:
  • Offer to store it locally or to use a server path
  • Resize the logo automatically or at least give use the dimensions to use.
  • Links to logo should ALWAYS use SSL. The skin should test image links before saving them and ask if the user really wants his customers to see warnings when using the control panel.

  • Skin is not using SSL links everywhere which raises warnings in the browser and could prevent loading external content. I found one offender (http://fonts.googleapis.com), but there could be more
  • I think it's a bad idea to encrypt the CSS
  • It's great that you use the standard DA language files. Makes it easier to make changes
  • I'm missing a basic colour editor for the skin. Similar to what is offered in most WP themes. A corporate identity is more than just a black and white logo.
  • I like the fact that the files are still built like the enhanced skin. It makes it easier to make changes to this skin

User view
  • Advanced links in the widget on the right are missing the current domain and lead to a "Domain does not belong to you" error message
  • Webmail menu is empty, but clicking on the top item loads server/webmail
  • Resume doesn't mean Summary in English
  • Summary is broken, the gauges end up in the right column
  • I'd suggest using flags for the language switcher. Someone who doesn't read English won't necessarily notice or understand "Change language", but he'll probably notice flags

Tested on the latest stable version of Chromium.
Hi, so that is the problem for me then as my servers only uses SSL access.
I´ll just have to wait for You to fix this then.

// morfargekko

We will make sure it's SSL compatible on the next release will should be Monday evening at the latest :)

Hi, so that is the problem for me then as my servers only uses SSL access.
I´ll just have to wait for You to fix this then.

// morfargekko
It should be responsive already. Try to post a screenshot if something is out of whack.

Thanks Soulshepard!!!
The reseller and user interfaces are not responsive (they stay the same no matter which width the window is).

Also, it would be nice if you could add the skin version in the skin manager, so that people know if they're on the latest, etc.
- Will check.
- That is definetely a great idea. Will do :)

Thanks a billion Interfasys!

The reseller and user interfaces are not responsive (they stay the same no matter which width the window is).

Also, it would be nice if you could add the skin version in the skin manager, so that people know if they're on the latest, etc.
but to pount out

file_put_contents(/usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/cyber/license/key): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/cyber/include/functions.php on line 246

as a user why does it try to write thing in the key file

[root@host982374762 license]# ls -lah
total 12K
drwxrwxrwx  2 diradmin diradmin 4.0K May  9 17:18 .
drwxr-xr-x 11 diradmin diradmin 4.0K May  9 17:05 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 admin    admin       0 May  9 17:13 key
-rw-r--r--  1 admin    admin      21 May  9 17:10 license

Do This:
chmod 777 /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/Cyber/license (i gave the name Cyber maybe your is different)
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Just installed this theme but there is a issue that i had

I had enabled suhosin and didnt had ioncube installed
After installing ioncube with Custombuild i get errors ioncube conflicting with suhosin
I removed the suhosion and installed ioncube and that did the trick (SUHOSIN BREAKS IONCUBE !)

Now investigating the skin :)

1.Admin panel under you have backup section link to view logs dont work redirects to Error: document not found
2.How can you see if you have the latest version of the skin ? if you have a outdated skin is automatic update available ?
3. Viewing Brute Force page, page doesnt fit
4. Load indicator on home panel displays :Load0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 and breaks the skin
5. Backup page, when you have planned backups this section break out of the skin (it too big)
6. User backup page the steps make no sense, STEP 4 says : Restore Backup it must be some like Begin Backup because teh submit button is for that function and not for restoring
BIG BUG : When a another user (trough his domain) tries to login in DA he get a invalid license error ! , when you login from the mainsite (where its installed) its ok but another user logs in from his own domain on the same server get that error!
It seems the license check the domain , this should be changed to the IP address of the server
This should fixed ASAP
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Thank you very much everyone for your reports. We will get every single bug fixed this week :) Enjoy your Sunday !
Sure, there are still a few freebee slots available. Just follow the link on the first post in this thread :)

We are currently working on all reported issues.

We have reached our goal of 20 beta-testers. We have closed thet free downloading of the skin. The next release will cover all known issues and shortly after we confirm there are no more issues we will post pricing on the skin. The pricing will be similar to other skins, or a bit cheaper. We'll launch a limited time offer at a reduced price. For everyone who has helped with the skin testing will have his license for free during the first year :) Language collaborators will get 10 licenses free.

We currently have Italian, French, Romanian, Dutch and Chinese in the works. If you believe you can give us translation service in exchange for 10 free yearly licenses, we are interested in your partnership.

Thanks, soon more information!
New bug fix release 1.0.2

Downloadable from Cyberneticos client area. Please replace your current installation.
We have fixed all reported issues except 3:

Navegation irregularities in File Manager
View Logs link in Backups section
and Brute Force Monitor appearance issues.

Please let us know if you enconter any other issues.
