My First Skin!!!


New member
Aug 21, 2007
Just wanted to try to skin my own control panel and here is what I came up with, nothing big. It's based on the enhanced skin and I'm still tweeking it a little bit. Stop by & take a look if you like, I have opened the demo reseller & demo user accounts.
I'll be down for awhile...

I'm changing dns & servers so the demo will be down for awhile.
good job so far! Your table formatting is better then the enhanced skin. DA should take a cue. I hope you keep up the good work.
RadMan, if you want to login as user, use demo_user and if you want to login as reseller - demo_reseller. Password is: demo.
Yea good enough. :)

I hope DA starts to include a web 2.0-ish skin soon to stay in the race.
Seen cPanel X3 skin with AJAX ? :p
I agree. I think a new makeover to the Enhanced skin would be really, really beneficial for both DA, DA customers and DA users.

A lot of my clients veiwed the demo of enhanced before buying. But now, after seeing some of these other panels,... kinda makes me slobber a bit :eek: