Roundcube 1.3.0 released


Verified User
Nov 23, 2009
São Paulo - Brazil
With this milestone we introduce new features since the 1.2 version:

- Widescreen layout aka Three Column View
- Possibility to display QR code for contacts data
- New identicon plugin (
- Attach contact vCards to composed message
- Support WEBP images and MathML preview
- Preview, download and rename attachments when composing a message
- Message/rfc822 attachment preview
- Various Enigma (PGP) and Managesieve plugin improvements
- “Flattened” the Larry theme giving it a fresher look

Plus security and deployment improvements:

- Improve randomness of password salts and random hashes
- Fixed redundancy in sql caching system and compatibility with Galera Cluster

And finally some code-cleanup:

- Dropped support for legacy browsers (IE < 10; removed legacy_browser plugin)
- Require PHP >= 5.4
- Removed PHP mail() support
- Removed 3rd party javascript libraries from the repository
- Require jQuery 3.x which has breaking changes to older versions

IMPORTANT: The code-cleanup part brings major changes and possibly
incompatibilities to your existing Roundcube installations.
So please read the Changelog [2] carefully and thoroughly test your
upgrade scenario.

Please note that Roundcube 1.3

1. no longer runs on PHP 5.3
2. no longer supports IE < 10 and old versions of Firefox, Chrome and Safari
3. requires an SMTP server connection to send mails
4. uses jQuery 3.2 and will not work with current jQuery mobile plugin

With the release of Roundcube 1.3.0, the previous stable release
branches 1.2.x and 1.1.x will switch in to LTS low maintenance mode
which means they will only receive important security updates but no
longer any regular improvement updates.

See the complete Changelog:
any idea when this will be added to DA guys ?
I've just added this into files1 and CB2.

It's a bit fiddly, so changes were required in the CB2 build script:
- check to ensure you're not running php 5.3. If you are, it drops down to RC 1.2.5.
- Make sure you're fully logged out before upgrading. If you're logged in then update, you'll run into issues.. you can't logout. Ended up having to restart apache and php-fpm56 to be able to load the login page again (likely changes in their sessions format)
- They have a "bug" ? in their 'version' file where they set:
define('RCMAIL_VERSION', '1.3.0 ');
which has an extra space in it, caused some issues: CB2 doClean deleted everything as folder 'roundcubemail-1.3.0 ' (with extra space) was not found.

Anyway, the new layout looks great :)

The new layout is the same as in Zimbra :)

I wonder why it is not responsive at all. It does not change on window resize.