OLS Support Needs Work


New member
Oct 29, 2019
New to DA and I've recently set up OLS and discovered some issues that I think you should consider addressing.

1) The OLS GUI does not have access to the server logs, so every time you visit the GUI it puts an error in its own error log complaining about not being able to access the logs. You need to fix the permissions so that it can access the server logs and display them correctly without generating errors. It's a bit silly that a web server's GUI can't read its own logs.

2) You really need to fix the include/flat config file issue. The documentation on OLS/Litespeed is woefully lacking. There is no indication of what the actual variable names to put in a config file are for all the options they list. They clearly expect the GUI to be available. That or at least you and OLS need to document the variable names so that it can be configured without the GUI. If you two are going to advertise you support each other you need at least this much.

3) I wrote a quick script to create a flat config file and keep track of all the include files everything came from so I could use the GUI then back out the changes I wanted. The read only warning went away and all the info was displayed and editable. (The GUI does not display all the information if it's read only mode because drop downs and check boxes do not work.)

The problem is that even though I had a flat file and I could edit anything on the GUI it would not save any changes I made. No errors were reported on the GUI, nor in any log I could find, maybe I missed one. Or maybe it's the same problem with the GUI not being able to read the longs. I don't see anything in the DA version of the code compared to the regular version of OLS that should completely prevent saving things from the GUI. I suspect you have another permission problem here. This is the problem I would most like fixed. Whatever the issue I'd really like to know so that I can use the GUI to find the variables and then put the necessary changes back into the custom files for DA to be happy when it rebuilds things.

Any help with #3 and being able to save changes would be appreciated. I've got the flat file conversion handled well enough for my own needs if I could just save to it.