Please let us have all some consens about those important things and terms.


Verified User
May 22, 2014
Netherlands Germany
Ok sorry to bring in this.
I guess / expect however it becomes a problem if there is no consensus here at DA and Forum about which yes or no and how to use in Future.

While at other places changes takes place.

( Black, white grey things and also MAster slave in IT related need some workover, at least so for some i think)

The meaning is different i know, i am no good in Gramar and English , so please don't understand me wrong.

Only asking to have consensus here, so no problems arise with discussions that go far beyond the DA and IT where we could avoid conficts i think we should or?

See why in those links i think "black hat" has nothing to do and overall complete other meaning, but yup blacklist has a extreme negative sound maybe?
( in all kind of WARS, and other conflicts there are Blacklists, if you name spammers and hackers as kind of criminals and want to have lists to ban them out hmm how to name i don't know)


Sorry to bring this up, but better to talk about it before then to late ?

I say we all here on this Forum and at DA have for more intelligence then lot of the people in the world lets use this to solve/avoid/end and not to start conflicts.
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To be completely blunt and very honest, I'm really fed up with this nonsense (I don't mean racism, but removing certain words and statues etc.).
You don't stop racism by changing names like blacklist and whitelist and "solutions" like that.

Racism can *only* be stopped by upbringing/nurture, not by removing things which contain words like "black" or "white" (or any other color) which often (like blacklist and whitelist) do not have any relation with racism. Night is also black and you don't see, and daylight is white, so now what?

I refuse to do any of this kind of symptom relief and nonsense thoughts about any color mentioned somewhere which somebody doesn't like. That goes too far for me.
In fact changing those long time used terms which have always used, I call it BS
In a couple of years we get red headed people which don't like us to use Red Hat or things like that? We must stop the blonde jokes because blondes get irritated etc. etc.? Come on get real, sorry.
Keep the fight against racism realistic!

So I raised my children not to be racists, which is much better. They don't look at or treat anybody different, just like me, no matter which believe they have or which color or where they come from.
And that's the only way for having a chance to ban racism, not by banning some words, culture things, humoristic programs (where kind of people are used for hilarious stuff), removing certain IT names and things like that. But during raising your children the correct way.
Yea but howto react if instances , governments decide to rename such terms, that is why i did post the links here.

Neutral is easy to avoid conflicts, even as blackhat seo / hacking has totally nothing to to with colored people and so on, pff why such "overreactions" in my view for these now in the world where we already have corona and co.

We have to learn if we didn't before yup but raisen KIDS with the right views on past and future for common rights is also possible without trying to deleting that past, you can't even delete what has happened. ( or do we have a time machine? ) ( i also think you can't please people trying to forget the past, if that past is even wrong then you have to show and teach how wrong not pushing delete)

Maybe for those who feel the need have both options availble.

So: blacklist=- "deny list" and whitelist=- allow list" you can choose?

I hope master slave stay's while technical meaning , and moreover lot of terms have more/others meanings then only history and people things.
I mean you have the terms parent and child also in IT , so if somewhere in the Future somes Kids decide to....
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pff why such "overreactions" in my view for these now in the world where we already have corona and co.
I totally agree it's overreactions.

As far as I'm concerned, I won't do anything of that odd stuff unless it's updated automatically. I won't do anything against it, but I will surely also not do anything for it or help to make it happen.

So: blacklist=- "deny list" and whitelist=- allow list" you can choose?
When I could choose, I would keep it blacklist and whitelist, nothing wrong with it. I won't go along with that kind of rediculous things.
I totally agree it's overreactions.

As far as I'm concerned, I won't do anything of that odd stuff unless it's updated automatically. I won't do anything against it, but I will surely also not do anything for it or help to make it happen.

When I could choose, I would keep it blacklist and whitelist, nothing wrong with it. I won't go along with that kind of rediculous things.

UH a 0 =- "NULL" could be curse, name, invective, swearword also in NOT IT related context i know if someone say's about some you are nothing more then a NULL could hurt , even more then some coloured terms.
So please keep things apart for the context and meaning it should have!
I think its amazing that certain groups of people think they have a monopoly on racism. Every part of the world has racism against people of all races and colors and whatever else.
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I think its amazing that certain groups of people thing they have a monopoly on racism. Every part of the world has racism against people of all races and colors and whatever else.
Uh what i find is look at some other Races as AMAZON indians, and Uyghurs for example.

So yup please don't put one color or race "upfront or as more important" in the battle against it , also older people, women and sexual gender and lot more.
I assume scientists will have to rename "black holes" too?:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I'm sick of it, as most are no doubt..... Now, you are getting white voice-actors quitting over voicing black characters, actors apologising for what they did or said 20+ years ago, blah, blah........ The world has gone mad, just over ONE black guy.....

Stop it, and continue life.
Here is one off the reasons why i started my post.

Please read article yourself and some links there.

So we have to deal with this while yup some technical terms are going to change.

My view on this all even if those are technical terms not having related to any of such, changing those to more neutral doesn't Hurt anyone , renaming is only a kind off you have to get used to it, so are new UX and so are other Programms so we "TECH guys" should know how to get used to newer changed things i guess? ( why it is possible to do, and costs "almost" nothing so i am not against, but it the way/manner how this is going yup far from good but please don't put to much importance for only a few terms to become opposite persons here! )

Linus Torvalds approved on Friday a new and more inclusive terminology for the Linux kernel code and documentation.

Going forward, Linux developers have been asked to use new terms for the master/slave and blacklist/whitelist terminologies.
The new terms are to be used for new source code written for the Linux kernel and its associated documentation.

The older terms, considered inadequate now, will only be allowed for maintaining older code and documentation, or "when updating code for an existing (as of 2020) hardware or protocol specification that mandates those terms."

The move to phase out the master/slave and blacklist/whitelist terminologies came after a proposal filed by Linux kernel maintainer Dan Williams on July 4. Linux creator Linus Torvalds approved the proposal on Friday in a pull request for the Linux 5.8 repository.

A general trend in the tech community
The Linux team has now joined many tech companies and open-source projects that have removed references to racially-charged jargon from their code for more neutral and inclusive language.

The list includes Twitter, GitHub, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Ansible, Splunk, Android, Go, MySQL, PHPUnit, Curl, OpenZFS, Rust, JP Morgan, and others.
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I will continue to use terms currently in use until the majority changes. The goal is to be able to communicate with people. So we have to use terms that people understand. But these technical terms have never been associated with the color of a person. No I am not going to read the article because its just stupid.
Your topic "Please let us have all some consens about those important things and terms" implies that these terms are actually important. I don't subscribe to that idea. I don't think the terms master/slave is important when its used with technology. As long as we know what each other are talking about. Because of that article I have lost all respect for Linus. All of those who capitulate to these whims are now the slaves themselves. All who care about words must have absolutely no other problems in their life. Do you have nothing more important to do? I know I do.
This is one of those things that's really up to upstream software developers. If software at large changes references, others will change their references to it. No one is married to whitelist/blacklist terminology, just consistency in communication and not needlessly causing problems with their users for the sole purpose of generating conversations (which cost money, because someone has to be available to have them).