Why is CloudLinux No Longer Supported by DirectAdmin?


New member
Dec 17, 2023

I have noticed that CloudLinux is no longer listed as a recommended or supported operating system on the DirectAdmin website. As someone who relies on the robust features of both DirectAdmin and CloudLinux for shared web hosting, this change is quite concerning.

Could you please clarify the reasons behind this decision? Is there a specific issue or set of issues that led to CloudLinux being removed from the list of supported OSs? Understanding the cause would greatly help in planning the future of our infrastructure.

Furthermore, is there any ongoing effort to reintegrate CloudLinux with DirectAdmin, or should we start considering alternative solutions? The synergy between CloudLinux and DirectAdmin has been highly beneficial for the web hosting industry, and it would be disappointing to see this integration fall apart.

Thank you for your attention and assistance.

Best regards,

Could you please clarify the reasons behind this decision?
That's also in the docs:
However, the support for CloudLinux is not on par with officially supported Linux distributions.

It says: DA will accept integration report issues and fix them, but don't have an automated test suite.

Also something to be found here:
Cloud Linux is Alma Base OS repo (it even do not change kernel anymore if you convert Alma 9 to CL 9 - CL 9 kernel is the stock alma kernel) + couple of add-ons for per account limits (lve) and stats and mysql governor

And Alma is listed as supported

then follow the instruction from CL helpdesk article

This means if there are encountered problems, we will do our best to help and solve Cloudlinux-related issues and DirectAdmin will solve DirectAdmin-related problems. And the DirectAdmin proactively ensures integration is always working. This means DirectAdmin with CL 9 should be operating quite normally.
I know, but DA seems to think otherwise and most likely have it removed because of the non-presence of an automated test suite so they can't guarantee good working out of the box anymore.
Which could possibly mean maybe fixes might take a bit longer. Just a thought, not sure.

Maybe @DirectAdmin Sales have a better or more clear answer for you.
CloudLinux is still supported. It has a dedicated page in the docs explaining the situation.

We do not list CloudLinux in the main OS page because the support level for CloudLinux and vanilla distributions is not on par. We have daily test suite checking if all software components can be built and ran successfully on all supported distros and are able to quickly resolve issues if distro package updates break something. With CloudLinux we only fix problem if it is reported via the ticketing system.

In general, integration between DirectAdmin and CloudLinux is quite gnarly. We keep stepping on each other's toes, as there are areas where CL and DA try to do the same thing but in different ways. So we keep adding exceptions for each other. There is a good will from both parties to keep the integration working. I hope over time we will manage to reduce the integration surface, making it cleaner and more reliable.