I don't know if it's really fair to bring LSCache into this discussion.
To use LSCache you have to be using Litespeed - or more specifically lsphp - and that may not always be the case. Redis caching doesn't depend on what web server or PHP handler you are using, so it has a potential higher footprint. But Redis cache also requires the configuration of a Redis server to handle the caching.
You can't really compare LSCache and Redis caching, since it's two different things. Or, more specifically, two different methods for accomplishing essentially the same thing. Both have different infrastructure requirements.
LSCache is probably going to be faster - at least in the limited tests that I have done. Although it's marginally faster when compared with Redis caching. When considering the overhead of having to switch to Litespeed or lsphp, depending on your environment, the benefits of LSCache over Redis may not be worth it.
While the OP doesn't say what PHP handler they are using, they do state they are looking for an alternative to the LSCache plugin. And the OP doesn't really say they are using or wanting to use Redis cache. So any caching plugin or method would be open for discussion.
You just can't really compare Redis specific caching plugins to LSCache specific caching plugins. The two are apples and oranges.