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  1. arbours

    Adding or Editing custom mount in jailshell

    Hi everyone, I create a user that has ssh access and that is jailed (RH8/Alma8) through DA. I log through SSH to that user, that work. I would like to be able to add or configure custom mount point (ie: let say a directory that has 0444, like an internal repo available to all jailshell users)...
  2. arbours

    Solved Just updated to 1.62 on 3 servers, went ok, the 4th using lan_ip crash.

    I successfully updated 3 different boxes, that do not use the lan_ip setup, but when I tried to update the 4th one that use it, when it was done updating, everything went down from the public side, no http, no email, no da access. What could've I miss ? I tried to set the new cluster ip setting...
  3. arbours

    Solved Enabling a second nic with a different subnet, on a different gateway/network

    Hi everyone, I have being researching this a little bit, and of course I found some article and post about doing this, but I've yet fail to succeed so I am coming here to clarify and perhaps find what I am doing wrong. I have a DA Server, that is a VM (I also run the host). This VM is...
  4. arbours

    NSIM Version 2.0.0 BETA is Available for Download

    NEW OFFICIAL WEBSITE The official website for it is now available at : PREREQUISTS: Apache 1 or 2 / PHP 4 or 5. That you do complete backup of your system via DirectAdmin or else before you start to test anything :) That you read the INSTALL_README.txt included.NEWS...
  5. arbours


    Nsim - BETA IS READY !! :D Hi, my name is Steve and I recently realized there were no good (none that was looking like I wanted) Billing/Invoice manager that is working as a standalone and that is free. I am coding NSIM, which will be a plugin for managing invoice. I am moving this thread due...
  6. arbours

    A way to allow custom output or tmp download

    I don't really know how to expose my problem, but here what I want to do. I generate XLS and DOC document without my Pluggin I made here, and I would like to let the user download the file. But facing the problem, I cant do it the way im use to, since our pluggin php page are barely evaluated...